Welcome to the listing of all of Jennifer Posada’s upcoming workshops, conferences, and ongoing courses of the Oracle School & Community…check back regularly or join Jennifer’s Email List for updates…

The Priestesses of Aphrodite: Your Pleasure as Your Purpose

A 4-Session Online Course Available Worldwide

What if the changes you want to make in your life and the world could be generated by and supported by pleasure, and by you being as supported as possible?…

 Click Here to Read More about this Course…

The Glow Program: The Magic of Embodied Manifestation

A 6-Session Online Course Available Worldwide

The magic of glow and embodied manifestation are what we need to have the radical change we are looking for in our lives while we are here on this earth…the spark in the dark that starts a true fire of transformation.  The kind of transformation we are longing for in our lives, and for the world…

   Click Here to Read More about this Course…

The Thriai Nymphs: Lessons from the Bee Priestesses

A 6-Session Online Course Available Worldwide

Finally the world stands ready for the return of the Ancient Bee Priestesses…Long ago these bee nymphs, part-woman and part-bee, lived as prophetic priestesses who received their revelations while in ecstatic trance brought on by sound, sexuality, nature and, among other things…honey…

Click Here to Read More about this Course…

purest oracle cropThe Oracle Course: The Essential Course in Intuition and Vision

An 8-Session Online Course Available Worldwide

If it has always been your dream to walk as an awakened Oracle, clear and able to call forth vision and guidance at will, trusting in your abilities to do so and the universe itself, pulsing with the knowing of the cosmos, then this is the course for you…

Click Here to Read More about this Course…

MyHolyGrail vivid cropMagdalen’s Fire: The Sacred Sexuality Oracle Course

An 8-Session Online Course Available Worldwide

This year dive in, be reborn, and find a portal into one of the greatest secrets of life and creation…the sexual and sensual energies in your body and being.  Get ready to start a new life with a new commitment to being the fullness of who you are, in extraordinary and powerful beauty….


Click Here to Read More about this Course…

self-love oracle best sizedThe Essential Self-Love Course

An 8-Session Online Course Available Worldwide

There is no more potent force of healing and change in the universe than Self-Love…  It was the love of the universe for itself that gave birth to creation, that is in every beat of your heart, and each rolling wave of every ocean.  To love oneself is to know love in the most profound way, and to attract love and goodness into your life on every level.  We have, in Self-Love, a hidden miracle…the truest gold of all the ages…


Click Here to Read More about this Course…

Intuitive Sound HealingThe Intuitive Sound Healing Course

A 6-Session Online Course Available Worldwide

Since the most ancient of times, sound has been used as one of the most powerful healing forces ever known…  It has been used around the world in every sacred tradition.  Sound was the first wave-form of creation from the pulsing heart of the love behind all things…In this extraordinary course, learn to tap back into the primordial force of creation, and how to bring that healing power into your life and practices…

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The Energy Orgasm Course

A 3-Session Online Course Available Worldwide

Long ago in very ancient times, it was natural to live in orgasmic energy, and for humans to have ready access to many kinds of orgasms, including “energy orgasms”…hands-free orgasms that don’t require touch, or that can inspire touch in entirely new ways…And you can learn how to do this, too…

Click Here to Read More about this Course…

Legends of the Nymphs: Living with Orgasmic Energy

A 6-Session Online Course Available Worldwide

Why does orgasmic energy matter more than anything else?…This might be the most important question of your lifetime…Because a life with energy allows you to do everything else that matters.  Having access to this energy we were meant to live from and run on changes everything…

Click Here to Read More about this Course…

venus-verticordia no borderBecoming the Sexual Priestess Mini-Course

A 3-Session Online Course Available Worldwide

This is the secret…the secret your life has kept lovingly for you that is ready to be revealed.  It is the missing link…to the most revolutionary change in your life…

Click here to read more about this course!…

womanwithlion-copyThe Oracle and the Lioness: Ecstatic States and Instinctual Healing

An 3-Session Online Course Available Worldwide

Once upon a time, the Oracle and the Animal were one inside of us.  The farthest reaches of heaven and the body experienced as the same, and instinct was our intuition.  For the fullness of alchemy was known within…


Click Here to Read More about this Course…

“Taking a course with Jennifer has been one of the greatest gifts I have given to myself…” Amy Auset Rohn, Thorntown, Indiana

Want to read some more testimonials? Click here!

Check back soon or join the mailing list for future Courses!


Other Previously Offered Courses:

The following are courses that have been offered previously at The Oracle School. Some may be offered again, or will be available at some point as recordings, transcripts, or courses online! Do stay tuned to the email newsletters for these future releases, and if one of these courses really strikes your fancy, let us know at jennifer(at)jenniferposada.com (your requests can make a difference in the offerings!)

The Self-Love Oracle Course, and Special Version: Aphrodite’s Pearl: The Self Love Oracle Course


The Sacred Sexuality Oracle Course, and Special Version: Magdalen’s Fire: The Sacred Sexuality Oracle Course


The Visionary Oracles Circle, and Special Version: Persephone’s Pomegranate: The Visionary Oracles Course


The Beginning Oracle Course: Finding the Oracle Within



The Sexual Woman Ecstatic Enlightenment Training (The Course)



The Five Forbidden Goddesses: Reclaiming Female Sexual Power



The Oracle Council



Mysteries of Isis: Heartbeat of the Priestess



The Maenad's Dance with Jennifer Posada cropThe Maenad’s Dance: The Healing Power of Ecstasy



The Five Egyptian Oracle Empowerments



purest oracle cropThe Oracle Course: The Essential Course in Intuition and Vision



inanna's crownInnana’s Crown: Journey Through the Seven Gates



blue fire dakini cropBlue Fire: The Sexual Alchemy of the Dakinis



The Golden Shell and The Sacred Staff: The Summer Manifestation Oracle Course



Finding Your Purpose and Gifts Oracle Course



dodona doves cropThe Black Doves: Practices of the Priestesses of Dodona



Return of the Sexual Priestess with Jennifer PosadaThe Return of the Sexual Priestess Course



The Holy Well: Return to Avalon



The Oracle Alchemy Course: The Golden Chalice



The Pythia’s Mirror: Return of the Delphic Oracles



The Blind OracleThe Blind Oracle’s Path: Surrendering to Trust



The Sibyl’s Cave: Return of the Ancient Prophetesses



The Spring of the Nymphs: The Secrets of Embodying Bliss



The Thriai Nymphs: Lessons from the Bee Priestesses



The Five Sexual Goddesses: Return to the Serpent Power



The Sacredly Sexual Priestess Trainings



The Song of the Sibyls: Becoming a Sound Channel



Tadema,The Roses of HeliogabalusThe Sexual Priestess and the Seven Serpent Powers of Regeneration



In addition Jennifer has taught numerous live workshops and appeared at conferences in the US, Europe, and Egypt.  Stay tuned to Jennifer’s email list for live appearances as well!

find more of jennifer here! 🙂


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