After first getting turned on to Jennifer Posada’s blog a few years back, I fell in love. It was as if someone had taken my heart’s deepest knowing and articulated it in perfect form, with humor and grace, and with a wisdom so incredibly profound. I was quick to read her first book ‘The Oracle Within’ and found it to be not only beautifully poetic, but also, like an owner’s manual for my body and soul. And now, I’ve completed the Self-Love Oracle course and feel more connected to myself, more present with the joy of living and more aware of the love surrounding me than I ever have been in this lifetime. Thank you Jennifer for your courageousness, grace and awesome LOVE! I am forever grateful!
Sarah Hanna, Sarah Love Creations, www.sarahlovecreations.com, Portland, Oregon
The classes are a magical transformative experience…You will be infinitely rewarded…
This is radical work. For me it felt like Jennifer named, and owned, and lept into the beautiful abyss of the missing piece, which is self love. It just keeps getting better and better, because instead of going hunting/searching for the bad, the hurt, the negative, you need to go hunting for what you LOVE. This is another opportunity to feel good, to feel my body, my heart, to fill myself up….What would feel good right now? Jennifer also is the embodiment of her teachings, and she is so clear, articulate, supportive, loving and overflowing with resources and ideas whenever people need more support. Her classes are a magical transformative experience, if you have the chance to work with Jennifer, or feel called to one of her classes, jump right in!! You will be infinitely rewarded.
Sarah Hilliker, Health Counselor + Founder of Divine Health www.sarahhilliker.com, San Francisco, California
To love Jennifer is to fall in love twice…with her most exquisite soul and your own.
Jennifer has been a life-saving light through my darkest passages. Her heart, her voice, her teachings radiate so much love and beauty, so much goodness and gentleness, so much courage and acceptance, so much truth and wholeness, so much joy and fire. She is the only one I know who can understand the fullness and depth of what I’m going through, while also knowing and honoring that what is moving in me, is not the truth of me. Being seen and embraced in this way, has been a most incredible and liberating gift. To know Jennifer is to know love. To love Jennifer is to fall in love twice…with her most exquisite soul and your own.
Lisa Meserole, Norwalk, CT
I can only begin to describe how much this has changed my life…
My friend Sarah turned me on to the book “The Oracle Within” several years ago and I can only begin to describe how much it has changed my life. Within my own experiences, I feel that Self Love is the only way to healing, both the planet and all beings upon it. I was blessed with the gift of attending the Self Love Oracle Course last year. The beautiful shifts in my life are beyond measure. The deepest knowingness of Love for myself continues to grow and bloom. I am so thankful to have such a kind and gentle, yet fierce and powerful partner on this journey! Just knowing that you, Jennifer are alive and well on this Earth gives us all hope that we too can truly love and accept who We Are. Wow, what an amazingly beautiful being we are blessed with! Thank you so much Jennifer, for your endless dedication to this Self Love Revolution!!
Monica Hope Dunn, Singer/Songwriter, Cle Elum, Washington
Jennifer Posada speaks elegantly and flawlessly in poetic streams of divine truth & wisdom.
Jennifer Posada is a person who speaks elegantly and flawlessly in poetic streams of divine truth & wisdom. Unlike other teachers, she seems to be free of ego-driven energy. She honors everyone equally without judgment and she responds to all situations with love & lightness. When she speaks, it is clear and pertinent. When she listens, she does so deeply, intently and with vigor. And even as she is transmitting esoteric or culturally specific information, she does so without excluding others’ experiences which may not be in alignment. Everything is woven together in a tapestry of love, honor & acceptance – past & present, truth & illusion, empowerment & disempowerment, trust & treachery. All the while she is speaking from her magical heart, as connected to all magical hearts, and one cannot help but feel the veils between worlds disintegrating more tangibly in her presence.
Susan Bookman, Director World Anyi Association, www.worldanyi.org, Cusco, Peru
My life has blossomed! The core of me glows now…
My connection to Jennifer Posada has been one of the biggest gifts in my life – a gift of grace. She has been my bright loving light in the dark, and indeed I found her when I thought I would never feel resonance, when I couldn’t even voice aloud that I was worthy of love. I have been in her courses for years now, and each of them has offered new insight and new levels of loving myself. Jennifer creates the most loving space, where every part of you and all of your experiences are honored. I cannot even put into words what Jennifer’s teachings have meant to me. My life has blossomed! And though I have experienced some of my most difficult challenges during these past few years, Jennifer has been the grace – the softest space – to remind me of whatever is of support at that time. To you Jennifer Posada, who reminded me I have wings, I love you with my whole heart! I feel so buoyed. I feel so lifted. I am so grateful to you and the way that my life has been altered. I feel so centered, and this trust that I have now – this belief in myself, and love – it keeps growing, and expanding. This love that you gave me, I carry it now. And I give it to others. Whenever I think of you, and this gratitude, my voice becomes so strong! The core of me glows now.
Samantha Thompson, Artist, www.theoceanunderneath.com, Seattle, WA
I have been able to create a life and work I had only dreamed of…
I could write a book about what I have received from your counsel and classes! How have I benefited? Jennifer, your work with me has provided the much needed oxygen to propel me into loving myself, truly. It truly is the foundation for….everything. It is not only the exercises you offer, or the information, but the truest possible essence you bring to this work, as an embodiment of it, that supercharged me. And from this place of loving myself, I have been able to create a life and work I had only dreamed of. I remembered so much about my value and my power. I remembered how to love myself. I started writing again. I connected with guidance more deeply. Many of my family relationships healed – miraculous is the only word for it. I launched a new phase of my own work. I became an author. I created a web site. I became willing to be seen in the fullness of my truth, really. I remembered joy. I recommend your work all the time, to anyone who wants to wake up, love themselves, remember what drew them here, and create a life of love, joy, and fulfillment. Thank you, Jennifer! for being my oxygen and blowing your love on the embers inside me until they caught and roared into brightness.
Trinity Thomas, The Art of Awakening, www.TrinitySThomas.com, Sacramento, CA
Jennifer Posada is the embodiment of love. Her work opened me to truly love my Self.
Jennifer Posada is the embodiment of love. She holds an impeccable vibration that in her Presence you are compelled to know who you truly are. Her compassion, kindness, caring and wisdom have guided me through many dark places and helped me to emerge in the light more whole. My work with Jennifer changed my relationship with my Self and returned me to Consciousness. Her work opened me to truly love my Self, all parts of my Self. Her fierce, gentle Spirit creates the container for you to know yourself, love yourself and to Remember.
Erama Schmid, Sound Healer, www.eramaschmid.com, Denver, CO
There are moments in our lives that change us forever. There are gifts of grace so profound they can only be called miracles…
There are moments in our lives that change us forever. There are gifts of grace so profound they can only be called miracles. In so many ways, meeting Jennifer was a life-saving miracle. Our paths crossed at a time in my life of great heartbreak. Jennifer’s unconditional love, profound compassion, gentle sweetness, and pure wisdom wrapped around me like the arms of the Divine Mother herself. She reached out her hand in the darkness and guided me to the light, to a place of peace, wholeness, and ever-deepening self-love. Every experience with Jennifer is one of heart-healing magic and joy. Her exquisite teachings always move, open, and inspire me. But it is the beauty of her pure heart that moves me most deeply of all. Jennifer loves so powerfully that simply being in her presence reminds us that we, too, are the embodiments of pure love. Jennifer is a rare awakened soul who has never gone to sleep and has never forgotten the pure light at the center of our souls. She has always remembered what is deeply and forever true, and her treasure to the world is helping each of us remember, too. Thank you, beloved Jennifer. I love you with my whole heart.
Katherine Witteman, Mother, Artist, Intuitive, Lover of Life, Portland, Oregon
With all my heart I recommend you gift yourself with the experience of taking Jennifer’s courses…
With all my heart I recommend you gift yourself with the experience of taking Jennifer’s courses. I am so grateful I took her “Magdalen’s Fire: Sacred Sexuality Oracle Course” as well as others (i.e., Isis, Aphrodite, Nymphs, Bee Priestesses, Self Love and Intuition courses) –- they all nourished me to my core. Jennifer teaches with great Love, laughter and wisdom. I was deeply supported and transformed by her profound teachings of Self-Love, her exquisite soundings of Magdalen and others, and the potent gathering and intimate sharing by women around the world on the calls. I have gained confidence in being my authentic self and allowing myself to feel all of what I’m feeling, to speak my truth, and to create vibrations of love and joy — loving pleasure –- in my body. It’s safe to be present in my body now and to deeply honor my body’s guidance (beautiful Yoni and all). I feel “sewed together” more alive and juicy. I fell in Love with me — my authentic, powerful, creative, self. Yay!
Deborah Craig – Love Channel, Life Artisan, Writer, Painter, Sounder and Environmental Scientist, Jersey City, New Jersey
Jennifer’s teachings are absolutely priceless…
Jennifer’s teachings are absolutely priceless and what I needed so much in these times. I had four big surgeries, scars all over my body, so how would I with all this ‘damage’ and abuse ever come to think of something like my body being the source of bliss?!! Jennifer’s teachings, her love, and awakening of my remembering is what I needed most in this time!! It was divinely guided that she offered the Nymph course in a time of great change and total transformation in my life. I already incorporated concepts of self-love and self-care in my busy life, but Jennifer’s teachings go way beyond that! She taught me how to feel that I am bliss, that my body is bliss, and how to experience this more and more in my daily life. I love Jennifer and her work because she’s such a clear and deep well of wisdom, love and bliss, like the beautiful springs in which we nymphs used to hang out and enjoy ourselves, being in our beautiful nymph bodies.
Heike Lorenz, Founder of Heart-Realignment Coaching and Reconnective Healing Facilitator, www.reconnectionforhealing.com, Zuerich, Switzerland
Many speak of ‘remembering who you are’, but very few are able to deliver. It’s a rare gift to find such a teacher…
Many speak of ‘remembering who you are’, but very few are able to deliver. Jennifer takes you gently by the hand and guides you to a place within yourself where you DO remember. She is a true guide. The strong hand that holds on to yours in the dark places and shows you the open doorway. She brings you right to the essence of who you are. It’s a rare gift to find such a teacher, a pure soul who embodies all that she teaches. Grab her hand and go – she knows the way!
Molly B, Business Consultant & Healer, Bavaria, Germany
Dear Jennifer, you have given me back to myself which is a priceless gift…
I have learned to love myself more…which to me means to trust my feelings. I used to “should myself” and “judge” myself all the time….so much so that I did not even notice that I was doing it. I am more able to just be me, to just relax, to be. Although every now and then, I will notice some sort of self worth issue arising, it no longer takes me over…I notice it, release it, and come back to loving and honoring my feelings. Dear Jennifer, you have shown me how to accept, allow and love myself more than any other person in my life…You have given me back to myself which is a priceless gift, I know. Whenever I reach out and help another love themselves more, please know that I am honoring your beautiful guidance.
Jean Trebek, RScP Los Angeles, CA
Jennifer, your love and work has helped me remember who I am and restore in my mind, body, heart and soul the most essential and empowering energy…
Beautiful Jennifer the first time we talked it felt like I was reconnecting with a most delightful and loving companion. I felt acknowledged, embraced, recognized, loved so deeply and completely it made my heart open, hope, trust. You spoke about self-love and transformation and I was touched by every word as if I were listening to the most thrilling and exciting bedtime story. I recognized the truth in them. My heart did. It sang and soared with joy at our connection and recognition. As if we had known each other for eternity. And I know now we did. Your classes, voice and sound healings have soothed me and shown me that it is not only okay but Magnificent and yummy to be myself…To love myself…To allow myself to come to the surface complete, whole, all of me. Thank you so much for your profound and transforming love. For being so courageous and so generous in sharing who you are and what you know with us. Your love and work has helped me remember who I am and restore in my mind, body, heart and soul the most essential and empowering energy: The love for myself.
Angelica Gonzalez, Software and Web Developer, San Antonio, Texas
I have taken loads of teleclasses, and I would say that Jennifer’s is among the best…
I took Jennifer’s class on Finding The Oracle Within and it was transformative for me. I’ve had a block and lots of fear around writing for many years. As part of this class, Jennifer’s guided visualizations were incredibly helpful in moving me forward with my writing. I saw an image of words flowing out on paper as if they were flowing out of me. This is the image I have now when I write and my writing is flowing. I have taken loads of teleclasses, and I would say that Jennifer’s is among the best. If you want to learn about self-love and learn about listening to your own inner guidance, then hurry and sign up.
Sherold Barr, Master Coach, Facilitator of The Work of Byron Katie, www.sheroldbarr.com, Portland, Oregon
Jennifer has lived the Magic and she knows it’s our birthright to permanently enter the state of Self-Love…
My brief encounter with Jennifer on the Island left such a deep impression on me that I bought her book “The Oracle Within” and immersed myself in her poetic and practical wisdom. Reading the book felt like a friend telling me a beautiful story about MY OWN life that was vastly different from the stories my parents and early teachers have been telling. What fascinates me is that, while Jennifer’s book is a personal account about her experience of seeing the larger reality we live in, ultimately, this book is about YOU. She has lived the Magic and she knows it’s our birthright to let go of the old beliefs that no longer serve us and permanently enter the state of Self-Love. That Love ultimately leads to One Love for everything and everyone. It leads to peace and joy. And that is where true freedom and abundance is. Thank you Jennifer! I love you and, thanks to you, I love myself more deeply.
Lubosh Cech, Artist+Consultant, www.luboshcech.com, Portland, Oregon
I have discovered my primary reason for being on this planet…
Jennifer Posada is the energetic wisdom that is reaped in my heart and soul filling my entire being with self-love, allowing my own wings to fully expand! Already on a path of self-exploration and self-love; it wasn’t until I encountered Jennifer’s words coming from such a deeply profound place in her heart that I was able to fully embrace this place within MySelf. I clearly remember the first night that I encountered her writings…through her words, I became so completely captivated with my own Being and Self-Love that I could not stop to shut down my computer….I was truly falling in love with love itself. Her words had encapsulated me, bringing me into my very own heart so that my own self-love may now radiate with all whom I encounter…as I now have discovered that that is my primary reason for being on this planet. It is Beautiful Jennifer whom facilitated my direction! I have since been participating in her Nymph Telecourse Series which is another phenomenal experience for me. Through the weekly interaction with her and the other participants, I am fully supported in my experience of self-love and awakening. Jennifer, I thank you with a radiating heart and experience your frequency of love and light whenever I tune in with my Self.
Heidi Mason, Source Speaks, Eugene, Oregon
Jennifer’s classes have meant everything to me…
Your classes have meant everything to me. Everything is allowed, honored and respected. There is no shame, no doubt, and no guilt, ever, as we dare to bare all. We are heard and acknowledged and honored for our presence and our willingness to share and even just to show up. I have felt my own levels of self love rise high, and even now can find the opening to loving myself through the toughest times, and this helps more than I could’ve known. Learning various techniques and understandings of self love has been the overall focus. And, in this, everything in our lives can and will shift. In sharing in a safe group such as this, I have felt less alone and more supported than in my everyday life. I thank the goddesses for bringing us all together within Jennifer’s capable and strong and gentle heart hands! She is truly a blessing to us all! I am very grateful for all the courses I have participated in and look forward to the new ones coming up!
Jacqueline Haga, Oracle and Sound Being, Ridgway, Colorado
This experience has been life changing for me…
A few years ago a dear friend gifted me with Jennifer’s book The Oracle Within and CD Soul Sounds, which helped me to open to my own Knowing of ancient lives in the temples when the Oracles and Goddesses and Great Mother were present, loved and honored. Since then, Jennifer’s healing voice and Oracle writings have become an integral part of my re-membering journey. This summer I joined the “Aphrodite’s Pearl” class on Self-love and this experience has been life changing for me. With her teachings and guidance I am now — more than ever! — present to myself, in my body, and able to daily fill myself up with delicious Self-love and acceptance. I am more able to be of authentic, loving service to others, as well, since now it is from a place of ever-growing wholeness. My cup runneth over — thank you Jennifer!
Rita Yeager, Flower Essence Consultant, Energy Balancing Bodyworker, and Voice Healer, Charlottesville, Virginia
Jennifer has been an Angel to me. She helped me to have an understanding about my personal past and how it was playing out and related to my present situation. I was able to access answers as she assured me and guided me to my own inner knowing and remembering. I will be forever grateful to her for that. Her unconditional love is felt every moment. And it’s not just for me, it’s for everybody. She is totally present and really cares deeply for all of us. Her sound healing was a wonderful part of that process for me, too. I feel very blessed to know her and just thinking of her now while I write this I can feel her love. Thank you Jennifer! Lots and lots of love to you.
Debe Corn, Realtor, Santa Fe, New Mexico
I have to say this has transformed my life…
At what would normally have been a very chaotic time of my life, Jennifer helped me to find inner peace and a self-love I had never felt before. I found Jennifer’s book, The Oracle Within, as a recommendation by another author I had read. I was immediately taken by her style of writing. It was if I could hear her peaceful voice speaking the words directly to my heart. Shortly after reading the book, my father passed away from this life. And yet I felt great peace. It was at this time that Jennifer’s Self Love Course came to my attention, and through Jennifer’s great generosity I was able to take this course as well as the beginning and Intermediate Oracle Courses. And I have to say they have transformed my life. I am much kinder with myself and others, my intuition has opened up dramatically, and even my skeptical husband has started his own awakening process, bringing us much closer in our relationship. I owe so much to Jennifer, and try every day in every way to pay her kindness and wisdom forward. Do I love Jennifer? As much as I now love myself. Thank you, Jennifer.
Vintah Montoya, Reiki Master and Teacher, Theta Practitioner, Spiritual Counselor, Salt Lake City, Utah
I love Jennifer and her work because it is of the Goddess, of Love, of Joy and of the newly birthing ancient world…
It was an intervention by the Great Mother Goddess(es) that I met Jennifer at a time of great transition in this life. She has helped me to ease my way into the Great Remembering, feeling not alone anymore, but part of a larger wave of Grace that we, the Oracle Sisterhood, have held for so very long now. I love Jennifer and her work because it is of the Goddess, of Love, of Joy and of the newly birthing ancient world that is being remembered around, in and through us all. What a beacon of self-loving light you are Jennifer! Thank you for shining so brightly! Sharing an experience with Jennifer in one of her classes is a dive into truth, into a fresh pool of formless wonder. The nuggets that come through her are so very precious, and the truth she holds, the trust in that which we share as the flow of universality is so very gratefully received. Being in a class with Jennifer is a dive into truth, into divinity, into the worlds we are now choosing to create anew ~ from the nourishment of the waves of what has been.
Mary (Nalini) MacNab, Luminary, www.delphicwave.com, Crestone, Colorado
Jennifer offered the guidance for me to tap into the eternal source inside…
When I was seeking for answers that no one else could help me with Jennifer offered the guidance for me to tap into the eternal source inside. The retreat I attended with her in Delphi was empowering and joyful on a soul level. She has been a powerful and steady light that assists me through often challenging times as I follow my own truth. Her oracle messages are like a hand to hold at these times, that I find are always so true. Thank you Jennifer, I love you.
Tamara Watson, Sound Healer and Writer, www.thecrystalheart.com, Nomad
Participating in your sacred courses has been a direct link to my Soul lineages…
Beloved Goddess Jennifer, your precious, authentic, wise, yummy vibration radiates a magnetic energy that calls the vibrations of those you work with to also raise to their highest, truest, and most blissful vibratory levels. Participating in your sacred courses has been a direct link to my Soul lineages, the sacred Priestesses, Oracles, and Embodied Goddesses and Nymphs and Luminous Beings that I/we have been incarnated as throughout the eons. As you so clearly hold and share the Great Remembering, you offer the path for others to instantly reconnect with it too, directly linking us back into the grid of grace, that place where we truly remember and know and LOVE who-we-truly-are. I am so grateful to you Jennifer, and so blessed by your sharings, heart and love. Thank You Thank You Thank You!!!!!
Brandy Cassandra, Earthkeeper, Wolf Priestess, www.serpentspirit.com
My life has exploded with depth, beauty, wisdom and understanding…
A holy prophet once said ‘the ink of the scholar is more sacred than the blood of the martyr.’ In Jennifer, this Lighted One, her blood is the ‘ink’, of ancient times, of truth, of knowing. Jennifer Posada is this Light, a most unique, unparalleled, exquisite, universal wisdom teacher and soul archaeologist that one could ever be fortunate to find, in any age, in any time! Her spirit blazes with remembering, that her lips and fingers pour forth in all she speaks, teaches and writes. My own extreme life, fraught with almost unimaginable, excruciating challenges and blessed with incredible multitudes of miracles and blessings, has exploded with depth, beauty, wisdom and understanding, thus allowing me to know my true nature and multiple missions this lifetime, to fly free and rock on, through this universe and beyond!
Lynnda Van Lightning, Oracle Channel, Healer, Spiritual Guide, Wild & Vast, Inc., Phoenix, Arizona
Jennifer has helped me to reclaim my power, my gifts and the ability to become the healer I was born to be…
I first became aware of Jennifer’s work when a friend handed me her book ” The Oracle Within” and I instantly I knew I wanted to work with her. As I read it there was a flood of past life memories coming in. Soon after my wife and I went to one of Jennifer’s workshops on Orcas, and remembered so much about ourselves and each other. Jennifer made me feel so safe and seen. She taught us how to go back into the Akashic library and do our own readings. Jennifer also helped me to love myself so much more, and taught everyone to do little things for yourself each day to show the love for yourself. We decided to join her retreat in Delphi, Greece and that trip was one of the most fantastic experiences of my life!!! Jennifer, you have helped me to reclaim my power, my gifts and the ability to use them again to become the healer I was born to be, to learn from the mistakes of the past and forgive myself, to go forward with these valuable lessons, and with a heart filled with love and compassion for others & especially for myself. So thank you so much Jennifer the gifts you have shared with us all, and for just being who you are!!!
David Lindsey C.H.T., Alchemical Hypnotherapist and Aromatic Alchemist, Crystal Healer, www.heartoftheearthawakening.org, Nevada City, California
My life has changed since starting The S.w.e.e.t. Program…
My life has changed since starting The S.w.e.e.t. Program. When I started the course I thought it would be about (Sexuality) In my eyes how to be sexy to attract someone into my life in order to feel sexual with them, etc. What I got was an amazing opening into myself. I learned how to look at pleasure, desire, turn on, power in totally different ways. I was able to look at things that brought me pleasure and turn me on. I learned that I could desire something and allow myself to go beyond all the limits that I put in my own way to keep me from getting them. I learned to allow myself to dream. I have learned so much from Jennifer about allowing myself to explore my sexual pleasure in ways I would never have thought of. Feeling things in my body I have never felt before. Not even having the slightest idea they were possible. Jennifer’s love for herself and those of us she was teaching was unbelievable. I am now looking at what feeds me. What I love. Looking at the difference between what I have been doing and what I would love to do.
Having Jennifer channel the Goddesses at the end of each call was amazing. Not only did Jennifer teach us about the Goddess but if felt as though she was right there with us giving us blessings or a further teaching that came through on a cellular level to a depth that is unimaginable. I know that I have learned things that I am not aware of yet but they are reactivated and will be used by me when the time is right. Yesterday I registered for the next part of the course. It took a bit as my head went into the money issue. However just before I did register I decided to sit a bit. I sat in the chair that I sit in when I am on the calls. My body immediately gave a response that I could not ignore. I believe it was responding to being on calls with other women of like-mindedness. Other women who are willing to open ourselves to the memory of who we are. Not to who we and others have limited us to being but to who we are called to be.
Jeanine Lajeunesse LPN, Certified Sound Healer, Putnam, Connecticut
I embody a strength and clarity I didn’t feel before. It’s because of what I’ve learned in this course…
I absolutely LOVED this course for so many reasons! Over and over again I got the message that my body has the answers to the questions I’m facing right now and that I can trust myself. I’m going through a divorce and there have been many difficult conversations I’ve needed to have, but what I’ve found is that I embody a strength and clarity I didn’t feel before. It’s because of what I’ve learned in this course. I trust that when I want to walk through the grass barefoot with my red painted toenails, it’s my own wisdom guiding me to nourish myself. From that place I am able to express myself more fully in a clear and compassionate way. I look forward to deepening into the work I do as an animal communicator, trusting my intuition even more through listening to my internal knowing. I can’t wait to feel the continued opening and growth that’s begun with this course! Thank you SO much for your wisdom, Jennifer!
Shelly Gibbs, Animal Communicator/Healer, www.shellygibbs.com, Santa Fe, New Mexico
It is a new way of life and a new self emerges…
I highly recommend the Self-Love Oracle Course! It is a new way of life and a new self emerges in only 7 weeks. The love, support and channelings from Jennifer are most profound. Thank you from the deepest soul level.
Linda Darin, Holistic Healer and Founder of the Darin Method, www.holistichealingny.com, New York, New York
I have felt my heart burst open, and have experienced clarity in my life direction…
It has been an honor and a gift knowing Jennifer. Her unconditional acceptance, support and love infuses every aspect of her work. It feels like warm arms surrounding and holding you. I have felt my heart burst open, I have experienced clarity in my life direction and I have felt valuable and worthwhile. If I had to pick the most important lesson I have taken away from my time with Jennifer it would be “self love”. I am so lucky for knowing her!
Debra Stobbe, Yogi Entrepreneur, www.yogalifewithdebra.ca, Clavet, Canada
I have been so blessed and touched by Jennifer’s work…
I have been so blessed and touched by Jennifer’s work over the past four years. She sees everyone through the eyes of understanding and compassion. She has such a beautiful light within that illuminates and touches those around her in a way that leaves a lasting glow. This past year I went through one of the most difficult, challenging, and darkest times in my life. I was immersed in the many layers of deep work and life lessons that strip you down and rebuild you from the inside out. Each week Jennifer’s transmissions seemed to speak directly to me and often brought me to tears. Her words were like a soft familiar blanket that gave me comfort and I looked forward to them each week. Thank you so much for offering your gifts to us all and for spreading your light to illuminate us all.
Amy Rohn, Harpist, Priestess of Isis, Oracle, www.awaken2light.webs.com, Thorntown, Indiana
I do believe the experiences I have had in Jennifer’s course are among the most beautiful I have ever had, and am feeling as though taking it is one of the best gifts I have ever given myself…
Jennifer has such an ease with her sexuality and her solidness of who she is, that I it is easy to use her as a role model to rekindle parts of my sexuality that I have shut down. When Jennifer channels Mary Magdalen there is no question that she is with us and that there are cells in my body that are activated that have been sleeping or dormant for years. I have just finished the course and I know that this is just the beginning of a fire in myself that has only started to light. I have signed up for other courses and know that if I get even a small amount of what I have gotten out of taking this course I know I have gotten my money’s worth.
I know that in awaking this part of me there is no limit to what I am capable of in my life. I feel as though I have been walking up a huge mountain working hard to get to the top. It feels as though in taking Jennifer’s courses I have reached the top and have jumped off and am trusting that I am ready to fly. Knowing that if I am flying and question what I am doing I have tools to remind myself that I am flying, and keep going…
Jeanine Lajeunesse, LPN, Putnam, Conneticut
Having an Oracle of our time is like knowing the Mother Teresa…What Jennifer shares is more valuable than gold…
Having an Oracle of our time is like knowing the Mother Teresa or similar. Jennifer’s soul is beautiful and there she is bringing into the world a sweet glowstick in the dark, a kind, gentle sound you can hear even from her book. Every time I read her work I’m uplifted. There is nothing to fear just a song that you can play over and over and its all yours. I rejoice at her very existence and I have so much gratitude that this gorgeous Oracle is here to share with us all that she does today. She is a harmony or blessing when your are shaken or afraid, a guidance in our lives and world steering a boat back into a course of right direction. She calms me and from on the other side of the world here in Australia it’s like she was only my neighbour. What she shares is more valuable than gold. Where otherwise I have felt exploited and polluted by others, she is a clean passion or love and I could pour my spirit onto her literally like a fountain, and she could be the pool that held it.
Sasha Green, Owner Of SG Corporations, Sydney, Australia
How do I put into words what the Sacred Sexuality course has done for me? I am completely empowered on every level…I feel shameless….
How do I put into words what the Sacred Sexuality course has done for me? I am completely empowered on every level. And it is so much more profound than just “sex,” – depending on your definition of the word, because what I want to talk about is Life Force! Creativity! Love! Exploration! Expansion! Dreams! Pleasure! I feel shameless. SHAMELESS. I don’t feel the need to apologize for anything that I feel. I am more authentically myself, and open about what that really means. I’m open to talk about how I’m really feeling, even in a land where most people aren’t. But even better than that, I’m deciding to be around people who want to do the same. I am paying attention to what feels good, and what feels supportive, and what feels PLEASUREFUL. And my Goddess – we can also talk about the sex! I have all of these resources now, and now not only sexually but holistically, I enjoy myself – every day. Deep experiences are held in the container of self love. And not only does pleasure come to me independent of someone else, I have that much more to give. I feel so excited to share this with a partner! Because I know how to honor myself now – ON EVERY LEVEL. I feel a deepened connection to my body, and I feel BEAUTIFUL. I feel radiant. I feel excited to be alive!!!
Samantha Thompson, Artist, www.theoceanunderneath.com, Seattle, WA
Taking this course with Jennifer has been one of the greatest gifts I have given to myself…
Taking the Magdalen’s Fire Course with Jennifer was a turning point for me in my love for myself. Magdalen’s presence was so evident in each class and she opened each energy center so gently throughout the course that I became much more accepting of myself and was willing to embrace those parts of me that I may have thought of as less than perfect or not very spiritually enlightened. Taking this course with Jennifer has been one of the greatest gifts I have given to myself and I whole-heartedly encourage anyone who is ready to make some changes in their lives to sign up with Jennifer. Everything that has changed in me has only served to make my life more rich, abundant, pleasurable, loving, powerful and gentle, amazing and wonderful!!! Thank you, Jennifer, Magdalen…and ME!! xox0
Amy Auset Rohn, Reiki Master/Teacher, Harpist, Sound Healer, Oracle, www.awaken2light.webs.com, Thorntown, Indiana
When the course completed, I felt much free-er and more alive, more authentically happy, joyful, vibrant, juicy…
Since I can remember I have felt inhibited/shut off when it comes to my sexuality — for many reasons, old limiting beliefs, traumatic experiences when I was young and not so enjoyable sexual experiences when I became sexually active. It was like I had nothing flowing in that area, no sex drive, no interest, no desire…. and also that effected my creativity – I felt creatively blocked. When I finally met the man I knew I wanted to be with for the rest of this life, I knew it would be something I would have to heal and really look at. We had been having difficulties with intimacy for a while when I saw Jennifer’s course and felt deep within me that this is just what I needed. As we went through each week of Magdalen’s Fire, I could feel myself opening up a little more and then a little more – a little flame was lit and was starting to grow and grow. I began to experience more pleasure and ecstatic moments throughout the day, and really took time to enjoy the little moments of pleasure. I started to feel DESIRE – something i had not felt in so long, and things began to improve with my partner, more intimacy, more sensuality. When the course completed, I felt much free-er and more alive, more authentically happy, joyful, vibrant, juicy. I am so grateful for the work Jennifer is doing and can’t wait to dig deeper and stoke the fire even more with her S.W.E.E.T program this winter — I was so excited to see the program, that I asked my fiancé for the program as my birthday and Christmas gift this year – as I know it will be a gift, not just for me, but for both of us, and for everyone else in our lives.
Karin Scott, and Executive Director of The 8th Fire School of Algonquin Medicine, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
These treasures, once discovered will inform and guide the rest of your life!…
I’ve taken many of Jennifer Posada’s courses over the last eight years and have discovered that not only is Jennifer an archaeologist of the soul, but also your heart! The discoveries that are unearthed are priceless to your heart and deepest soul, but also treasures that assist others on the course with you, even Jennifer! You will discover your own priceless self! You are priceless, the courses are priceless, as is Jennifer! You will discover you, Jennifer and her teachings are invaluable beyond all words. With such an archaeologist of heart and soul, one can dive deep, loved, affirmed and cuddled all the journey. These treasures, once discovered will inform and guide the rest of your life!
Lynnda Van Lightning, Oracle Channel, Healer, Spiritual Guide, Wild & Vast, Inc., Phoenix, Arizona
You are inspiring me to stand in my beauty, reclaim my pure, deep knowing and power!…
Dear Jennifer, taking this opportunity to express my love for you! How delicious it is to find someone like you… open, vibrant heart,juicy, filled with integrity, ready to share generously your wisdom and truth. You are inspiring me to stand in my beauty, reclaim my pure, deep knowing and power! Meeting you every week has been a sacred space I give to myself, no matter what is swirling around. In deep gratitude, I pray that you keep shining your light to benefit the earth and all humans you touch!
Lots of love and blessings,
Claudia Sabino, Art Educator and Psychologist, Montclair, New Jersey (originally from Rio, Brasil)
In short, I simply was blown away…
I have known Jennifer and her husband for years and consider them both to be dear & cherished friends.
I had always realized the gifts Jennifer had to offer in her courses each time I read her divine and precious news letters, but alas never signed up for any of them due to a hectic work schedule. Finally the day came and I just went for it. In short I simply was blown away by the raw gifts the universe has given to my friend Jennifer. She is truly a vessel in which genuine knowing, soulful generosity, kindness, patience and pure LOVE are communicated through.
Basically the absolute real deal when it comes to alternative & ethereal practices. Jennifer not only created a very safe & structured environment for the group to share and open up in, but she then held our attention for a full two hours pouring ever ounce of her profound knowledge & soul into each of our beings. The sound of her soft feminine voice alone holds a rare & precious tone in this world & relieved me from any stress I might have started out with at the beginning of each session. HUGE things on her horizon, for that I am certain. Thank you for sharing your whole self with all of us Jennifer.
Much love,
Lucy White, New York, New York
I learned to feel excited about who I am because I let go of shame…
I loved the Magdalen’s Fire Course. It helped me break some barriers that kept me from feeling good about myself and my sexuality. The course gave me permission to enjoy doing whatever my heart desires without guilt or shame; it also gave me permission to honor the not-so-feel-good times with love. Jennifer made me laugh with a sense of giddiness when she talked about pussy, clitoris, etc, because most of the time these words are used in ridicule, anger or jokes that are degrading. For me, it was always such a taboo to say these words that to hear them said freely and with love made me feel like a school girl, hearing these words as though for the first time. I learned to feel excited about who I am because I let go of shame and can now forgive and love myself for being who I am. This course served as a spring board for me to move on to develop more deeply and to express myself in a more loving, sexual and joyful way. It has opened and will continue to open new doors and experiences that I can not wait to have!!!!!! THANK YOU.
Jennifer is a living example of what most of us have been striving to experience – Self-Love…
Beautiful Jennifer, your very existence on the planet serves as a beacon, a life-line, a bright shinning reminder to wake up and remember! You are a living example of what most of us have been striving to experience – Self-Love. Not only do you give us permission to Love ourselves, you teach us exactly how to do that! I am eternally grateful and humbled by your great beauty and profound presence. Thank you for all that you are and all that you do in the name of Love.
Sue Newman, A friend of spirit, Lyons, ColoradoI can’t wait to take another course!
I thoroughly enjoyed both the Beginning Oracle Course and the Self Love Course. I really loved the work we did because it was very thorough and, of course, self-loving, in both of the courses. I walked away with a greater connection to my guidance system, my feelings and with a greater sense of confidence. I loved the sound healings so much as well as the messages you shared in each course. I loved your patience with each of us and your ability to respond to whatever was brought up in the course. Your sense of humor is a perfect touch to help even out what are sometimes difficult subjects to address. Thanks so much for all you do and I can’t wait to take another course!
Pam Chapman, Licensed Clinical Social Worker Wilmington, NC
I think about this experience often as it was a viceral shift of awareness and in my consciousness….
I took Jennifer’s Beginning Oracles class a few years ago on Orcas Island. It was a beautiful experience as we tapped into various aspects of the Goddess. Jennifer embodies the most beautiful balance of gentleness and strength. This is where I connected with the Goddess Durga…though movement and dance I found a way of anchoring myself into her grace and power; a particular way of setting my left foot on the earth with sweeping sort of stomp. I think about this experience often as it was a visceral shift of awareness and in my consciousness.
Laurie Christean, Bainbridge Island, Washington
Thank you, Jennifer, for being a precious gem of self-love in my life…
Thank you, Jennifer, for being a Precious Gem of Self Love in my life. Your writings have been Inspired, and are inspirational, like a beautiful ray of luvlight! The “u” stands for unconditional love, and for me has been, and is, a Great Remembering of Bliss!
StarSong, American Artist, Musician, SongwriterWithout you, our remembrance of those idyllic times would be paltry indeed and we must remember our beauty if we are to create it anew…
Dear Jennifer, I am always thrilled to receive your writings as they have the sweetest tone and a deep undercurrent of reverent self-worth and empowerment running through them. Without you, our remembrance of those idyllic times would be paltry indeed and we must remember our beauty if we are to create it anew.
Louise Bradley, Ponderosa, New MexicoJennifer’s spirit resonates with who I truly am…
Jennifer’s spirit resonates with who I truly am. It isn’t anything in particular that she writes; it is just her very being. Jennifer, the song of your soul touches mine, through your writing, between the lines. This is enough. Always enough. With infinite love and gratitude…
Laura Ainsworth, Enid, Oklahoma
I fell in love when I came across Jennifer’s beautiful website…
I have never met Jennifer, but I fell in love when I came across her beautiful website with it’s lush artwork and lyrical, enchanting writings. I resonate to the magical, earthy feel of all that she is about.
Mary Bingham, Grantsburg, Wisconsin
Jennifer’s song touches my heart where it was untouchable before…
Dear Jennifer, I am blessed because I did met you. I am blessed because you did let me know…your presence touched my hidden selves. Your voice tells me how special we all are. Your song touches my heart where it was untouchable before. Your stories give me new rememberings. I feel the Love in every act of you. Your spirit reminds me of Sisterhood, Ancestors and The Great Goddess, always nurturing, supporting, inspiring and full of Grace and Beauty. You are Love, Grace and Beauty. You are a beautiful Oracle. Thank You for being You.
Maureen Veerman, Sound Healer, www.klanksessie.nl, The Netherlands
Jennifer, everything that you write is written to my Heart…
Jennifer, you are my sister. Even closer, you are me. You Are I. Everything that you write is written to My Heart, is written in and from My Heart. You think and You speak and You write Me… how I feel about Us, We Humans and all of Life. You make my feelings into words. I read you and I hear my Self. I always feel heightened and enthused, jazzed when your messages arrive. Jennifer, you write my love, you write my life, you write my light. I Am so glad that You Are Here, Jennifer Posada! Thank You for being born!
Sammie Love, Breath Teacher and Coach, Bend, Oregon
Would you like to offer your own testimonial?
If you have experienced my courses, writings, CD or book and wish to share about it please feel free to send me an email with your sharing, city, state, profession and website (if applicable) and do attach a picture if you would like! Send it to: jennifer(at)jenniferposada.com