2023: The New Dream ~ An Oracle’s Prophecy

Jennifer Luna Posada December, 2022

I dwell in the realm of magic, I know what the honey bees know,

I speak the language of the babbling spring,

and the serpent power below…

A song of the Nymphs, as remembered by Jennifer Posada

We perhaps didn’t expect this.  To be left in ruins.  We expected that the new energy of this past year would uplift us more than it has, rather than crush us under its heavy waves.  But the ground we may have been leveled to is precious…more precious than any other gift.  It glimmers with magic.

We have struck magical ground.  The way has been cleared, and in 2023 we will know which direction to go…because we will dream a new dream…

This, this dark moon moment of the year, is only the lead up to the new dream.  This is where we begin by grieving for the old dreams.  We hold them up like sacred photos to the light…the ones that never came to be.  The form we thought was perfect…the rough edges of the cracked shells.  But they are only cracked because we outgrew them.  These dreams were beautiful no doubt, but they simply weren’t big enough for who we would become.

This is likely a scary moment…terrifying possibly as we hang in the space between breaths with no clear promise yet or true hope.  It may feel like it’s all just falling away.  Let it fall.  The more the better.  You are making room for something you have hardly imagined yet.  The more you let go of what you have known the more room there is for the unfathomably beautiful to arrive.

What might it mean for your new life to be unfathomably beautiful?  And would that make it worth giving up what feels like everything you have ever known?

In surviving the demands of the accelerated transformation of the recent past you have come upon something like a magical land.  You have gained entrance to an inner garden of enchantment that you have not yet visited.  It sits only on the bright fringes of your farthest out dreams at night.  You haven’t touched it even with the tips of your fingers yet.  But it is yours already.  You will just have to discover it slowly, or it would be too great a shock to the system.  It will blink in and out like a light on the horizon before it comes near, so that it becomes familiar to you, and so that your physical form can begin to encompass such a vibration.

You came here to do this magic.  You came here to become this magical creature that you are, but in human form.  You came here to bring the worlds together.  And this year, as never before, you begin.

This will happen naturally.  You can’t miss it.  But if you want to work in tandem with it…if you want to call it in, you will need to learn to find the honey in your life that is meant to nourish and guide and transform you.  In this world finding this honey is sometimes by only a quick flash of light or rarest glimmer in an unexpected corner.  But as you become used to locating it, you will find it more and more often.

This has been on my mind a lot because (and is also the reason why) I am re-teaching my course The Thriai Nymphs: Lessons from the Bee Priestesses.  These bee nymphs not only used honey to enter ecstatic and visionary states, they were shapeshifters who could actually make honey.

And you will remember how to make honey too.

Your honey is the culmination of your magic and gifts in this life…it is concentrated energetic nourishment and information that will sustain, nurture and guide you through the next phase of your life.  We are going to need magic to do the next work and to dream the next dream.

And the next dream will be rooted in sweetness, and ecstasy, and vision.  It will be rooted in embodiment and magic at the same time, for as once was, the body will become the greatest instrument of magic we could ever ask for.

But we need to find and follow the honey in our lives…the things that draw us in and make us feel alive.  The things that give us hope in the dark.  And at first, as we go through further and deeper disintegration over the coming weeks leading out of the solstice, we will need to cling to those signs of hope and warmth like a heartbeat in the darkness.

That is the heartbeat of our new lives.  That is the heartbeat of our new dream.

Then one day we will feel the new dream start to awaken and move in us like it has just begun to come to life.  It will move through us in waves and show us new things about ourselves and our possibilities that we never even imagined.  This is an excellent time to write down what comes.

And, in preparation for this time of new dreaming it is also a good time to write even more, if you feel called, perhaps asking yourself questions like:

What was the old dream?  (if there is more than one write about as many as you want to.)

What do I have to let go of now to make room for what’s coming?  (You will know because life will likely have been showing you what you need to let go of.)

What am I afraid to dream of?

Where is the honey (the hope, the magic, the nourishment) in my life right now?

What is the honey that I need most?  (even if I don’t have it yet.)

Where do I need magic most in my life right now?

What’s left after that exploration is surrender and listening.

You might do what I do when facing tremendous potential loss and tremendous potential magic…say to yourself: if you love something, let it go…if it’s meant to, it comes back to you.

Then listen.  Just stay open to the messages.  Just keep one earbud out…meaning leave that open space that is so scary to leave so that the new dream can come to you.  Sit on the hill with the moon and be a bit empty.  Perhaps a bit broken…or utterly so.  And from the quake of the deepest earth in you will come the magic you need…because you made room for it.

It’s about to be 2023, the solstice has just passed, and the way has been cleared for new magic to come to life in you.  Stay close to the glimmering ground you hard-won, the ruins of your leveled dreams will be the place you make the honey you came to earth to make.  It will flow out of you as you dreamed a million ages ago in a time before time.  It will bless everything around you and beyond the world we see.  Keep faith bright faeries, ancient ones.  We are doing what we came to do, and we are succeeding no matter how things seem.  And the honey, the sweetest honey, is yet to come…

Dream well lovelies, and I will be dreaming by your side.  I will see you in the realm of honey and magic, that begins with an almost imperceptible gleam in the dark.  Wait for that hint of iridescence to grow, and it will guide you on into the new dream, the new year, and beyond…



Want support finding the honey and opening to the new dream for your life?  You are all the first to get the pre-launch news that I am teaching my online course The Thriai Nymphs: Lessons from the Bee Priestesses for the first time in ten years…it’s been my most requested course.  I’m offering an early-bird special until the official launch, January 15th (save $100!)  Click here to read more about the course or register…


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Also, if you love this writing you will adore my other online courses as well…click here to see them!

It’s Time for Your Calling ~ An Oracle’s Prophecy

Jennifer Luna Posada

Late September, 2022

Standing at the mouth of the cave, on the ledge of a high mountain perched like a bird both mighty and light, I feel entirely at home on the edge of the vast.  My hand on the rock wall beside me looks aged, as the hand of many a sibyl would…but I am the one who can feel the heartbeat of a new beginning, sense its whisper in a faraway wind, before any other would imagine it existed.  I am old, but I am younger than the spring, and soon the world will feel this newness again too…

As I sit to write these messages, they usually begin with a vision like that from a time long ago when I was as much magical creature as human.  I already knew then what would come in these times, and it has been such a tremendous wait to be able to share it.  I am so happy, with all of my ancient heart, that the time has come…

Over the next few months moving toward the solstice and new year, there are some very special transformational energies coming that have a potent gift to bring.  It’s time to receive a new wave of our calling, one of the most precious and lovely blessings we could ever receive.  This season, as we darken into autumn (or as those of you in the Southern Hemisphere lighten into spring), we will hear a message we have long awaited.  I am writing this today to help us be in the most receptive place to consciously receive it…  

For we each need this calling deeply.  A calling can be what helps us make sense of the events of our lives, and have hope in the face of them when they are challenging.  A calling is a lighthouse in a dark, stormy sea, and an organizing principle when nothing makes sense.  But it doesn’t just help us make sense of things, it lights up our world like strings of faerie lights around the universe inside of us.  It is magic showing itself to us, and showing us how to move through this life connected to it.

It’s the ancient scroll that leads you to the understandings you have been seeking for so long…

Receiving a calling is an experience, however, that can be elusive at first if you don’t know the signs.  So, I wish to illuminate what might otherwise be a hidden door you could walk right past without recognizing it.  I’d like to help shed some of the light on it that makes it easier to run your fingers softly along the wall until you find the seam…until you see the invisible and find the way you’d never known was there.  And this season is most certainly the time.

For some of you this time will simply bring a new wave of your calling.  For others this will feel like the first time you’ve experienced your calling in this life, though as you recognize it you may suddenly be able to trace it back and see where it visited you before…even as far back as your childhood perhaps.  If this happens I want to comfort you that it’s not that you should have recognized it earlier…it’s that this is the moment of its perfect unveiling.  I promise from my deepest heart that you could never receive your calling, or a new wave of it, at the wrong time.  If it feels like it’s coming late, please know that you’ve simply been getting ready…getting into the ideal place to receive it, all this time.

And that ripening has been oh so very worth it.  It’s been necessary for the true and most beautiful fruits to be known.

The reason I know how special and precious a calling can be is because I came into this world with mine awake from the beginning.  As a tiny child my challenge was to orient this world around the love I knew inside of me and could feel was behind all things.  And while that was always there as a foundation, I have also received three new waves of my calling in this life that were each equally crucial to how I was meant to share my gifts in the world.  I want to share some of my story about this as a way to dispel some of the myths around receiving our callings, and also as a method to express ways that we can open ourselves to them, especially at this remarkable time.

My innate calling came when, as a child, I realized that the adults around me that were teaching me wrong from right and how to look both ways before crossing a street did not feel the love I felt inside of me as their true nature.  When I recognized, as little more than a toddler, that this world didn’t feel that way as a general rule, I knew what I was here to teach.  But the first real, clear wave of my calling came when I was six years old and I underwent a surgery that had complications.  In the months following it I began to faint at random moments, and come to with information and messages far beyond my young years.

This is what led to the events in which I was called an Oracle for the first time, as a small child, and also what led to my being able to visit the “inner library” as I call it (also known as the akashic records) at that young age.  While you may feel that this is an extraordinary story that not many people can probably relate to, I’m telling it for a very important reason…

When they were wheeling me into surgery and my mom’s hand slipped from mine as the nurse handed me a sock monkey as an effort at a replacement, I didn’t know my whole inner world was about to further open up in a way that would change me forever and lead me to writing these words.  When I woke from the surgery and couldn’t move or speak but tried to make some kind of sound because I so badly needed water, I didn’t feel like the heavens had opened and given me a sign.  And when, in the months after that, I would suddenly fall to the floor while walking across the living room, I didn’t imagine that it was that at six years old I was trying to remember how to fall into trance.  But it was.

And while yes, the second wave of my calling came when I was 20 and it was about being a Sexual Priestess and it did come in a more recognizable way as a vision and message, (stay tuned to my next book for more of that story,) the third wave of my calling that came just a few years ago was brought on by the combination of a profoundly challenging dental issue and bodywork that unfortunately only intensified the problem.  Not exactly where most people expect magic…but oh did it come that way anyway.

So, while you may absolutely find your calling in a moment of joy or great vision, as I have also experienced, I want you to know that your darkest night may bring your deepest calling.

Your calling takes time to fully blossom.  If you keep loving it as a bud, even when it hasn’t revealed all its mysteries to you…even if it has taken decades…it most certainly will.  I promise, if it’s taking a long time that doesn’t mean you’re doing it wrong.  It means you are doing it right and this is just the way it needed to unfold.

So, if one common error is to think that a calling only comes as a flash of light (rather than sometimes through a brilliant darkness), another is that we think it is only our calling if we can name it something recognizable, put it on a business card, and earn income from it.  Now, before I go on, of course we may want that.  Unless we are independently wealthy, then to make an income from our calling would be the thing that actually allows us to spend time doing that, (and likely saves us from other work that at best may feel less fulfilling and at worst may seem to be utterly at odds with our calling.)

I’m writing these words because I make a living from my calling…I might have found a way to write them otherwise but it may have been much harder to do so.  But it didn’t start when I was six years old and had a health challenge that opened my deeper gifts.  I needed time.  When I gave readings to my mother’s friends as a child I didn’t ask for money (because there was no need, I was cared for.)  And when I wasn’t ready to teach yet as a teenager and younger adult I did everything from clean rooms to serve cocktails while I waited, with all my heart, to do the work set out for me in my childhood.  With every job I asked life to please let it be time, but I knew it was not, until finally in 2004 I knew without a doubt that I had made it to the right moment.

By definition a calling is an impulse, an urge.

If we begin there, free of all other artifice, free of all other programming about what it needs to look like and whether we would know how to describe ourselves and what we do or love at a dinner party, our calling will start to speak to us in waves all the time.

In fact, I still half laugh a bit when anyone asks me what I do and I have to decide how to put it.  Teaching about the lost arts of oracles, sexual priestesses, nymphs, sibyls and other magical creatures based on my past lives as these creatures is not exactly commonplace.

But when it has felt strange to forge my path forward anyway, brick by brick for almost twenty years, I have gone back to my organizing principle…the little girl who knew she was here to remind the world of love…

In any and every way that she could as her calling developed in waves throughout her lifetime…

And time and time again my calling brought me back…it gave me the courage and the direction over and over again and has filled my life with the most splendorous beauty you can possibly imagine.

A final myth I’d like to dispel is the myth that we need to find our calling.

Our calling finds us…

We only need the ability to recognize it and gently allow and follow it when it does.  Here are a few helpful hints for being able to do that at this magical threshold of new messages coming…

Being open to the calling…

This is about making the space inside of you, and possibly in your time and surroundings, to simply be in more openness and receptivity without any expectation.  This is where we give ourselves some time and room to shed and empty, so that there is new space for the calling to enter.  This is where sitting in silence (metaphorically although you may certainly choose to do it in actuality as well) is just as important as the message itself.

This is where we clear the table and just be with the blank space…where the most beautiful altar is just the plain stone of new beginnings.

This may manifest as a time of more rest and relaxation wherever possible, or a time of actively clearing and pruning in your life.  It may be a time of release in overt or subtle ways, but in this phase there is no need to seek.  All the old seeking falls away from your field and you become fresh, receptive and open.  If you have a few moments now and it feels right, take out a piece of note paper and put down a few ideas for how you could create some of this space in your life in the coming month.

Recognizing the calling…

This is where we need the eyes to see the hidden doorways that have always been waiting for us.  This is where we can feel them even in the dark.  First we let the veils fall away…the ideas about what we think our calling has to look like, and we just open ourselves to what makes us feel the pulse…what makes us feel a glow…what compels us to it and then leaves us feeling nourished. 

To be utterly clear on any given day this might mean playing with your child’s legos or kicking up dry leaves on a sidewalk.  These moments don’t need to “make sense” as a calling right now, and if you are going through an incredibly challenging time in your life, they might not even register as feeling particularly “good”, they may just feel “less bad” than other moments or experiences or feelings you’ve been having.  That, my beautiful and brave friends, is a wonderful place to start.

Aligning with the calling…

This is where we string the lights together, gently.  This is where one fallen berry leads to another until we are led to the tree they fell from and we understand their origin and more of what it all means.  There may be days we think we’ve lost all connection and there will be no next clue…but just keep your eyes and heart open for the next berry, and it will come.  Remember all of this comes from having first been willing to sit in the dark and wait.  Sometimes this will happen over and over…but every moment you are waiting the ripening continues, and the magical tree thrives.  When you arrive to rest beneath it and be nourished by the deepest connection you could hope for, it will utterly be worth the wait.

One berry at a time, one faerie light at a time, you will find your way…

Your way to the meaning, the clarity, and the beauty of opening to the deepest gifts your soul has to offer.  Your way to feeling guided, supported and connected as you move through this world and this life, understanding more about why you are here and why things have needed to be just as they have been.  I know the courage it has taken to come this far, and I honor you from my very deepest heart.  I stand beside you, and together we will remember the magic we have always known, birth the new magic we are meant to bring now, and watch it unfurl into the world with a goodness beyond all we have imagined…


Want more support in hearing the messages of your calling in this special time?  I truly recommend my online course: The Oracle Course: The Essential Course in Intuition and Vision

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Also, if you love this writing you will adore my other online courses as well…click here to see them!

find more of jennifer here! 🙂


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