Saturday, September 14th, 2024
Once upon a time, there were some very special temples by the sea. They were designed to create sanctuaries where the magic of the ancient nymphs could continue to live on in the world, a world that needed that magic more than anything else…
Inside these temples were Priestess-Nymphs dedicated to the Goddess Aphrodite…which meant they were dedicated to themselves, as they were her embodiments.
And everyone around them was dedicated to them too. It was believed that the fate of the world and its harmony was based in the care of these Priestesses, and their ability to remain nourished and in pleasure because of their magnificent impact on the larger energy field of all life…
It is time for a return to this place of esteem for the pleasure and nourishment of those who most impact the field. It is time for the hidden and most magnificent power of all to return…the power of softness to bring all to life, and it begins within…
We are poised at the threshold of coming eclipses as if standing at the mouth of a great river emptying into a new sea. It is time for a new message to come. The plans we made are fading into a bigger, more powerful and luminous design that we couldn’t have seen before. One that we are only getting a glimpse of now…
There is a massive frequency shift upon us. And it will give us exactly what we need…
It will give us exactly the nourishment we most need to transform in the ways we wish…
If things haven’t been coming easily to fruition recently, it’s at least in part because we’ve been on hold in preparation for this shift and as it unfolds things will begin to flow with more ease. But it will help to facilitate this greatly if we make room for insights and intuitive messages to come over the next couple of weeks.
We need to create a quiet place inside and quiet moments to receive…before we fall asleep, while being creative, or perhaps walking in the woods. (I’ve had messages come on city buses too while I listen to music on my headphones, so really anywhere may do if you are receptive and have the inner room.)
Most of what happens in this major frequency shift or “upgrade” will happen outside of our conscious awareness and without need for us to consciously participate, which is good. But if you are reading this message there is more for you in this. There is more juice to this fruit, and it is something you have been asking for for a long time. To access this “juice” and the added benefits it has waiting for you there are two main focuses to hold:
Rest, and doing things that nourish you to make room for the new insights to come…
Essentially, the more you bring in softness right now, the more your garden will flourish and bloom…the more you will have fertile ground available for the new to grow.
What seeds do you want to plant now? You won’t do this by working hard…you will do it by finding circumstances where you feel safe enough to soften, and letting the magic find you. Perhaps the place you feel safe enough to soften is when you lay in your warm bed at night, or a bath, or in your gentle yoga class, or resting in the forest. Maybe you soften as you move in a dance space or as your body opens up on a walk. Maybe you soften in a kiss, or other kind of physical pleasure. But if that feels out of reach or is not where you feel safe at the moment, find the place where you can actually let go.
In my recent course The Glow Program: The Magic of Embodied Manifestation, there were teachings and guided visualizations about laying down and “letting go into the moss” as the basis for all the magic of embodied manifestation to take place.
We need to find the secret entryways into softness so we can create the next most powerful magic available to us, allow this frequency shift support us in the deepest ways, and allow the new messages and inner directives to reach us.
Because we have been waiting for further instruction. We have been feeling for some time like the old ways weren’t working and we were ready for something new. Something more potent, more rapid, more obviously magical and powerful to make the kind of change we want to make. To see the change take place in our lives, in our bodies, in the world around us…
We, like the Priestess-Nymphs of Aphrodite, can affect the greater field in unheard-of ways.
This is true more so now than it has ever been in our lifetimes…
Soon we will get clarity about the first step we need to take, which perhaps might just be a pivot from what we were doing and where we were headed…but it is the pivot that will change everything. It is the pivot, perhaps followed by a few more, that actually takes us where we’ve needed to go.
To the more magical home we remember, while still being here on this earth. We bring it here from within, and more of it will be coming to life in our memory, and then in our lives, than ever before…
We only need to be shown one step at a time where there were no steps before. Where we kept getting nos and obstacles again and again, a different path will open. One we couldn’t have seen before.
Step softly, because your heart told you where to put your foot next in the dark, and the moss path will rise to meet your feet…
The upcoming eclipse on Tuesday, September 17th will open the gates. This is when we need softness the most because it may feel like the floodgates have opened and we won’t yet be conscious in most cases of what is moving through. Some things will be releasing and then new energies will be coming in and stabilizing…this is the river flowing into the new sea. It’s a wonderful time to take amazing care of yourself, to take cover or lie low when you can, and be really gentle with yourself when you can’t. Know that this “river” contains nourishment and insights you have been looking for and when you have the rest and space to hear them they will start to come through.
It is following the second eclipse, October 2nd that things will start to crystallize…
You will already have gotten a new insight or two perhaps, and you may be grounding into those glimmers of the new to come. If you have not then the days and weeks following the second eclipse are when you are likely to get them, or to have them begin to come together into a larger new vision for the next steps in your life…
While it can be very challenging to walk as a magical creature in this world (a being who embodies a very high frequency), we are also meant to get guidance and direction at pivotal moments to guide us onward. It’s as if there are secret instructions we wrote down long ago and tucked away for the moments it would be time. It is time.
For now remember: the best thing you can do is find places and moments where you can rest and let go. It might just be flopping onto your sofa with a favorite blanket and tuning everything out for even just a little bit. That might not be the moment insight comes…after doing that daily and anything else you can to care for yourself that way, the insight might come while you’re washing dishes or getting dressed one day. All you’re doing is making whatever room you can for your entire system to experience a profound shift and frequency elevation and enrichment…
If you want to go deeper into these mysteries and get the fullest support at this time you can look at my online course The Priestesses of Aphrodite: Your Pleasure as Your Purpose, that begins at the perfect moment between eclipses on September 25th. Check it out here…
This vibrational lift and boost in the potency of your magic coming through is what you have been asking for. And by turning to the lost art of softness…by resting and then tuning in to allow messages to come as deeply as you can…you will know just what to do next to see the life-changing kinds of shifts you have been waiting for.
I’ll see you on the other side my loves, where we will dance with the even deeper magic within us once more, and watch it ripple out into our lives…
I’m so glad we made it here. I am by your side.
I love you all,
If you are looking to deepen into these energies there isn’t anything better you can do than join me in my upcoming course The Priestesses of Aphrodite: Your Pleasure as Your Purpose that begins September 25th. Check it out here…
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