With Pollen in their Hair…
Lately all I can think about is honey…
And the time long ago when we could make it ourselves…
I’ve been trying to figure out why so many people want me to teach about the Bee Nymphs that it is my most requested course, which is why I am making it an online offering. I teach some wonderful and exquisite courses, and what people seem to want to hear about most are three little nymphs that lived under a ledge on Mount Parnassus in Greece, “with pollen in their hair, and honey bee wings…”
I suppose I have a secret to divulge. One of many. I do know why people want to hear about these bee nymphs, I’m just so surprised that so many other people seem to know too…like there is some singing in the depth of their blood that remembers…some ancient buzz of remembering that calls them back…
Back to a time when we shapeshifted. Back to a time when we lived on the nectar of ecstatic states, and made honey inside of our bodies…and back to a time when three bee nymphs, the Thriae nymphs, guarded one of the last portals to the other realms on the side of a sacred mountain. They kept the old ways alive when the forgetting ran deep in the world, and passed it along to priestesshoods who would preserve it for a long time to come.
They allowed passage to and from the other worlds, from other dimensions, at the moment when all other portals were gone, for magical beings who could still cross back and forth…and then helped a precious few left here to remember how to do it within themselves before the portal in the mountain closed for good.
After all we don’t need a rocky cleft to open up to make this journey. We only need to know how to do this within. How to shapeshift inside ourselves, and how to make honey.
I know it doesn’t seem important in a world where so much tragedy exists, but only when you don’t realize the importance of magic, and love…and honey.
Honey is symbolically the crystallization of our purest gifts in this world. It’s the nourishment we create and need…it’s the healing balm. The Thriae nymphs spent their days laughing, flying, and making honey together for an eternity…a timeless time…holding the vibration of the magical realms when they had very few true anchors left here, and they are still doing this, available now from deep within…to take our hands and guide us back and forth from the realms where exists the memory we most need to live this life in the most healing, nourished and magical ways that we can.
For we are the memory keepers and we are here now to unseal the pots within and bring the honey forth, first to nourish ourselves and then to have the ripple effects reverberate through the larger field of all that is.
I do occasionally stop and notice how funny it is to be the kind of person who talks about interdimensional honey and nymph guardians of magical portals for a living. But that’s what happens when you remember this far back, and are simply keeping up the work you have always done…when this is the honey you bring to the world.
I wanted to write today for those who are drawn to the bee nymphs and will be taking my upcoming course, but also to give some of their gift to those who won’t be taking it for whatever reasons but still want some of their wisdom.
I’d like to share two gems today that are helpful for anyone wanting to tap into this incredible beauty of honey-making:
Ecstatic states are not just for happy people.
And ecstatic states must be protected, which is why the bee nymphs were such great protectresses.
We typically think of feeling states on a spectrum where ecstasy is somewhere near the “higher” side and on the lowest side we find something like utter despair and desolation…an oblivion-like darkness. But in truth it is a circle, and despair and ecstasy touch.
Ecstatic states can be found not just by moving “up” through happy and “good” feelings, we can descend into ecstasy by going through hell, and finding out what waits when we touch bottom…and keep going. Now I’ve just oversimplified something that warrents a much larger explanation: it can take years, even nearly a lifetime, to find this ground beneath the ground…depending on the path your soul has chosen…
But knowing the black soil beneath hell has everything you need to experience “heaven” makes all the difference in the world.
It’s not that you’ve been going the wrong way all this time.
You are just finding the portal only you could find…a way out of one world into another, more magical one…weaving the worlds together.
Just knowing this makes it more likely that you will access the honey that is most hidden. The honey you go through hell to make. It’s very special medicine. First it will heal you, and then it will heal others. That’s just how making honey works.
Hold on. There’s always honey at the end.
And ecstatic states must be protected…
We think of guardians as stern and braced. The Thriae fluttered and buzzed and laughed and played…but nothing could get near them without pure intention. They didn’t even have to try to protect the magic they knew…they were so utterly in its vibration that they were protection. Since we are not usually vibrating at some kind of interdimensional bliss at all times, it’s important for us to protect our ecstasy consciously.
It is up to us to create little warm nests of protection for our states of joy…and if joy seems too lofty and farfetched for where you are now in your life, you may have to create those little warm nests just for even the merest feelings of contentment, or safety, or ease, or comfort. You will have to find havens away from people, media, content, places, and energies that would thwart your incubating peace, bliss, or perhaps attempts at what feel like barest sanity at times. And you will have to protect your time, perhaps most bravely of all.
For we live in a world that you could say was not made for bee nymphs, or any nymphs or magical creatures at all. In fact that might be the understatement of the century. Except that it’s not true. It only appears that way. This world actually was made for bee nymphs. It was made for magical creatures. We just need to remember the honey, and help bring it back…as we long ago agreed to, perhaps under the ledge of a mountain somewhere, in a time almost forgotten…
I love you, bee nymphs. Thank you for remembering with me. May your hours be touched with honey, and your days with secret sweetness returning…
Learn more about the Nymphs in Jennifer’s writings and courses about them (including the special nymph course packages,) here…
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2023: The New Dream ~ An Oracle’s Prophecy
Jennifer Luna Posada December, 2022
I dwell in the realm of magic, I know what the honey bees know,
I speak the language of the babbling spring,
and the serpent power below…
A song of the Nymphs, as remembered by Jennifer Posada
We perhaps didn’t expect this. To be left in ruins. We expected that the new energy of this past year would uplift us more than it has, rather than crush us under its heavy waves. But the ground we may have been leveled to is precious…more precious than any other gift. It glimmers with magic.
We have struck magical ground. The way has been cleared, and in 2023 we will know which direction to go…because we will dream a new dream…
This, this dark moon moment of the year, is only the lead up to the new dream. This is where we begin by grieving for the old dreams. We hold them up like sacred photos to the light…the ones that never came to be. The form we thought was perfect…the rough edges of the cracked shells. But they are only cracked because we outgrew them. These dreams were beautiful no doubt, but they simply weren’t big enough for who we would become.
This is likely a scary moment…terrifying possibly as we hang in the space between breaths with no clear promise yet or true hope. It may feel like it’s all just falling away. Let it fall. The more the better. You are making room for something you have hardly imagined yet. The more you let go of what you have known the more room there is for the unfathomably beautiful to arrive.
What might it mean for your new life to be unfathomably beautiful? And would that make it worth giving up what feels like everything you have ever known?
In surviving the demands of the accelerated transformation of the recent past you have come upon something like a magical land. You have gained entrance to an inner garden of enchantment that you have not yet visited. It sits only on the bright fringes of your farthest out dreams at night. You haven’t touched it even with the tips of your fingers yet. But it is yours already. You will just have to discover it slowly, or it would be too great a shock to the system. It will blink in and out like a light on the horizon before it comes near, so that it becomes familiar to you, and so that your physical form can begin to encompass such a vibration.
You came here to do this magic. You came here to become this magical creature that you are, but in human form. You came here to bring the worlds together. And this year, as never before, you begin.
This will happen naturally. You can’t miss it. But if you want to work in tandem with it…if you want to call it in, you will need to learn to find the honey in your life that is meant to nourish and guide and transform you. In this world finding this honey is sometimes by only a quick flash of light or rarest glimmer in an unexpected corner. But as you become used to locating it, you will find it more and more often.
This has been on my mind a lot because (and is also the reason why) I am re-teaching my course The Thriai Nymphs: Lessons from the Bee Priestesses. These bee nymphs not only used honey to enter ecstatic and visionary states, they were shapeshifters who could actually make honey.
And you will remember how to make honey too.
Your honey is the culmination of your magic and gifts in this life…it is concentrated energetic nourishment and information that will sustain, nurture and guide you through the next phase of your life. We are going to need magic to do the next work and to dream the next dream.
And the next dream will be rooted in sweetness, and ecstasy, and vision. It will be rooted in embodiment and magic at the same time, for as once was, the body will become the greatest instrument of magic we could ever ask for.
But we need to find and follow the honey in our lives…the things that draw us in and make us feel alive. The things that give us hope in the dark. And at first, as we go through further and deeper disintegration over the coming weeks leading out of the solstice, we will need to cling to those signs of hope and warmth like a heartbeat in the darkness.
That is the heartbeat of our new lives. That is the heartbeat of our new dream.
Then one day we will feel the new dream start to awaken and move in us like it has just begun to come to life. It will move through us in waves and show us new things about ourselves and our possibilities that we never even imagined. This is an excellent time to write down what comes.
And, in preparation for this time of new dreaming it is also a good time to write even more, if you feel called, perhaps asking yourself questions like:
What was the old dream? (if there is more than one write about as many as you want to.)
What do I have to let go of now to make room for what’s coming? (You will know because life will likely have been showing you what you need to let go of.)
What am I afraid to dream of?
Where is the honey (the hope, the magic, the nourishment) in my life right now?
What is the honey that I need most? (even if I don’t have it yet.)
Where do I need magic most in my life right now?
What’s left after that exploration is surrender and listening.
You might do what I do when facing tremendous potential loss and tremendous potential magic…say to yourself: if you love something, let it go…if it’s meant to, it comes back to you.
Then listen. Just stay open to the messages. Just keep one earbud out…meaning leave that open space that is so scary to leave so that the new dream can come to you. Sit on the hill with the moon and be a bit empty. Perhaps a bit broken…or utterly so. And from the quake of the deepest earth in you will come the magic you need…because you made room for it.
It’s about to be 2023, the solstice has just passed, and the way has been cleared for new magic to come to life in you. Stay close to the glimmering ground you hard-won, the ruins of your leveled dreams will be the place you make the honey you came to earth to make. It will flow out of you as you dreamed a million ages ago in a time before time. It will bless everything around you and beyond the world we see. Keep faith bright faeries, ancient ones. We are doing what we came to do, and we are succeeding no matter how things seem. And the honey, the sweetest honey, is yet to come…
Dream well lovelies, and I will be dreaming by your side. I will see you in the realm of honey and magic, that begins with an almost imperceptible gleam in the dark. Wait for that hint of iridescence to grow, and it will guide you on into the new dream, the new year, and beyond…
Want support finding the honey and opening to the new dream for your life? You are all the first to get the pre-launch news that I am teaching my online course The Thriai Nymphs: Lessons from the Bee Priestesses for the first time in ten years…it’s been my most requested course. I’m offering an early-bird special until the official launch, January 15th (save $100!) Click here to read more about the course or register…
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