
Here is a collection of all of my offerings related to the incredibly magical teachings of the nymphs,  including my favorite writings about them, as well as my courses and other offerings…

If you don’t know where to start, begin with the first writing, Better than Heaven, and if you fall in love be sure to check out my Nymph Courses and the hints for creating a “Nymph Journal”…

Nymph Courses:

Legends of the Nymphs: Living with Org*asmic Energy

The Thriai Nymphs: Lessons from the Bee Priestesses

The Energy Org*asm Course

For a limited time, I  I have also decided to keep the special Nymph Course Packages available which you can see here…

Lastly, I also talk about the Nymphs in two other courses:  Magdalen’s Fire: The Sacred Sex.uality Oracle Course, and The Becoming the Sex.ual Priestess Mini-Course

Nymph Writings…

Far from the relatively powerless ways they are portrayed in myths, Nymphs were powerful magical creatures of the most profound kind.  Nymphs were what we would now call enlightened…all knowing, all seeing…omnipresent and omnipotent.  They lived in states of such high pleasure by communing with nature, their own bodies, and one another that their entire existence was might be called an experience of varying levels or orga*sm.  They could shapeshift, create matter, and they were the original oracles and se.xual priestesses…

Better than Heaven

This piece is my most quintessential writing about the nymphsthis is like the nymph scriptures right here (if there were such a thing, as the only nymph scriptures would be on the wind, flowing in the water, or written in the blossom of flowers…)  This is a wonderful introduction to and exploration of the beauty and power of the nymphs.  Read here…

On Being a Nymph

This beautiful piece is a journey into the depths and mysteries of what it means to reconnect with your magic and life force as nymphs do…

Read here…

The Maenad Gallery

I believe that seeing images of maenads and other nymphs in ecstatic states is healing…Revel with me in the images of ancient ecstasy, seeing if it stirs anything deep in your memory…

See the Gallery here…

Wild and Precious…

A poetic journey into the heart of returning to magic, and the meaning of “tall grass time”…

Read here…

Just to be a Creature…

The return to the magical creature within as the deepest healing journey of all…

Read here…

The Lost Art of Revelry…

Bring the heart of revelry, and all the healing and magic it conjures, more deeply into your life…

Read here…

A few more gems:


Still an Animal

The Return to Sensuality

Fires in the Heart: (The Serpent Returns) ~ An Oracle’s Prophecy  (the first half of this message was more specific to the time it was written, but the second half is the first time I wrote about “tall grass time” and is very beautiful, instructional and powerful…)

Bee Nymph Writings

The Land of Milk and Honey is Within

With Pollen in their Hair…

The Return of the Bee Heart

When the Owls Call




Here are two options for doing a deep dive into these Nymph Teachings:

The Nymph Journal  (The Free Option…)

If reading these writings has touched your heart deeply, I recommend going the extra mile and actually printing them all out.  I believe this material is definitely special enough to make that worthwhile. That way you can bind them into a notebook and make it into a lovely “nymph journal” so mark the passages that mean most, and add some blank pages to free-write answers to any questions or reflections. Then, make tea or your favorite beverage, perhaps schedule in some weekly “nymph studies” time for a while (even 20-30 minutes a week would do.)  You will learn so much this way, and it will cost you nothing.

The Deep Path of Nymph Teachings…

For this option take my nymph courses (see them all at the top of the page). One, two or three…as many as you are called to and can. These courses contain infinite wisdom and practices for healing, insight, manifestation and magic you will never find elsewhere. When you are done or throughout you can also add the option above with the writings to further fortify your path as a nymph.

May all of this nymph wisdom touch your heart and change your life in the most profound and beautiful of ways.

Sending all the love in my nymph heart,


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