Fires in the Heart (The Serpent Returns) ~ An Oracle’s Prophecy

515Hello Loves!

This profound message about serpent energies and taking the “tall grass time” (which I also mentioned in my last post,) that I wrote years ago still has such potency for us all now, particularly the second half about tall grass time.  That information is the perfect healing and restorative balm for these times, and can inspire a season of purest magic, beauty and transformation for you.  I hope you enjoy and love you all!

Jennifer Luna Posada, July-September, 2013

“Sometimes you have to burn your house down to see the moon.”

Old Zen Saying

I flung one limb after the other toward the ocean, the wild sweet peas and wild rose bushes tugging at me for flickering moments before I easily burst through them with the will of my body heaving itself toward the only healer it knew right then: the sea…the only healer that would not douse but quench the growing fire in me…that would soothe though not destroy the aching burning of my flaming heart…

We are not creatures of the mind, but of the body.  We are animals.  We always have been and we always will be. And now, as we reach the mid-point between Solstice and Equinox, we will know it as never before…

For, it’s harvest time, in so many ways…

For those of you who remember the flavor and intensity of the moment in time at Solstice, you are recalling the beginnings of these energies entering. What are these energies about? What is the hallmark of this transformational phase?…

Well, if you look along the tree line of your heart you will see them coming…the wild fires. They are coming, and for some of you have already arrived, to eradicate the life you have known, the way you think of yourself, your relationships, and your work in the world in every single way that these things hold you back or shield you from your own true brilliance. I know, I know. That’s always the message about living in our times, but for those of you who have felt the first lick of the flames in your heart’s deepest chambers, or even who have just seen the undeniable smoke signals rising and curling off your far-off mountains within, you understand beyond all words how deep this level of dissemination and renewal really is. We are collectively shedding a skin. And not just any skin but the one we thought was unshedable. The one we thought we would never be able to leave behind and still have a sense of self.

What is left is the self that is free.

This is the self that refuses to be led by fear, or to be led by anything other than its own deepest knowing. This is the self that doesn’t burn away even in the hottest flame. This is the self that is always on fire. This is the self you yearn to know, and this self knows exactly how to lead you to live the life you dream of living. You may not have dreamed this new life consciously, for this is the life you may not have ever known you could have, or could love so dearly.

The cloaks are falling away, and what will be left is what you find when you have traversed the whole underworld, and aren’t scared of anything anymore.  When everything is leveled and you can start new, building from a truer ground, beam by beam and brick by brick from the fearless joy of your heart.

So, I am now going to tell you what makes this fire unique…why it is different than all the other purifying-heart-fires of the past. It’s because it isn’t going to enter the heart directly…it’s going to enter from and blaze a path there from your sexuality, or more clearly, from your genitals. It is going to bring a warm, fiery glow to the places you have disconnected in that area, whether you are turned on all the time or think your libido left town years ago and you don’t care where it went, whether you have “sex” ten times a week or haven’t had it in years, (I put sex in parentheses to highlight the fact that sex can mean many things and I am not just referring to traditionally-thought of “intercourse.”) Wherever you fit on these spectrums there are places you have hidden, not just from others, but even from yourself. They are the places of your greatest gifts.

Yes, I just said your greatest gifts are the ones hidden in your genitals.

For, in order to shed this skin we have to reconnect with the sleeping serpent at the base of our spines. We don’t have to wake her. She will awaken when and as she chooses when the time is right, but just as I taught in my recent course, The Five Sexual Goddesses: Return to the Serpent Power, connecting with our inner serpent isn’t dependent on whether she is awake or sleeping. One of the most powerful ways we can connect with her is simply to feel her, to breathe with her, or to begin to experience her dreams. Though in the course we talked about how to be open to this, in most cases it isn’t something we seek. It is something that seeks us. And she is seeking us now, as never before.  And she knows just what to do.

(While The Five Sexual Goddesses Course is not available at this time, I will be adding to this teaching much more comprehensively in my upcoming course, Legends of the Nymphs: Living with Orgasmic Energy.)

So on the days when you think surely that you have fallen off of whatever last true path you had in life, and are desolately lost, know that every single winding moment of your way is a perfect part of the plan of your inner serpent.  She knows everything, and you are her.  She is about to, sleeping or awake as she chooses, finally re-enter your life more fully, and it is about to change absolutely everything.

(A note here: I don’t refer to the serpent as “she” and “her” because she is female in gender, but feminine in energy.  Also, just to be extra clear, people of all genders have this serpentine life-force energy.)

I would tell you to buckle up but there are no seatbelts, and potentially lots of crashes to come. There may be lots of broken things and fallen worlds, but there are also the greatest liberations, freedoms, and sweetnesses you could ever hope for. All that really is getting destroyed are your shackles, (though it very likely won’t seem that way at first!)

While I may not have seatbelts to offer, I do have support at this time. Your fire needs one thing to burn now (and trust me, the more and sooner it burns, the better) and that is oxygen. The fuel is already there but your fire needs SPACE. It needs you to clear and cut everything from your life that you possibly can that isn’t a true joy or nourishment, and then not fill the space left right away. It needs you to be able to sit, to wander, to stare at the wall. It needs you to get uncomfortable because you are finally feeling your body in a deeper way again and at first it might not feel good. It needs to you find and befriend what it feels like to sink into the space you’ve made, rather than wipe it out as we’ve all learned to do so well. We’re afraid of oxygen. We’re afraid even of really breathing…

Because once you take that first full breath it’s so strong and so powerful to simply be with yourself and your own energy again that it may feel like your lungs are filling up with water…like you are drowning. You may fear for your life, before you start knowing what it’s like to really live again.

So, what you do is start gently. You may be nervous about the idea of making a few hours for yourself sometime, and if you did make that time you might go to the default so many of us do…suddenly that time becomes “make-up time”…time to do all that laundry, finish that paperwork, or organize your closet. Don’t get me wrong, these are all things it might feel really good to get done. They just aren’t what I am talking about. The second default is the “creative-time” default. This is the situation in which we think that as soon as we have a window of time we have to fill it with something creative that we love but never get to do. (Which is special and important time too!) But the place where your fire can really burn, that I want to help you get to, is the tall-grass-blue-sky place…

Whenever I get to that place, I feel so proud. I feel as if it’s as great or greater than any other accomplishment. It is the place we knew as children. It is the place our fellow animals know. It is the place we sought in the temples and the caves. It seems unprestigious and isn’t flashy. But it is the secret place all knowing comes from. The place of being. While obviously I write and teach a great deal about this place and getting there, I am going to give you a very simple map right now…Make time. Carve out any time you can, and make it your life’s mission to do so. Then, if you need to, do the laundry. After that, if you need to, do something creative you love. Then, find your tall grass. Your tall grass might be a glass of wine at the dining room table with total silence. Your tall grass might be sitting under a tree. Your tall grass might be swimming in a cool pond. Your tall grass might be getting lost in dance at a wild party. All that matters is that, aside from the natural callings of your body, there is nothing you have to do. That’s right, you can do whatever you want in your tall grass time, it’s just important that there is absolutely nothing you have to do.

I’ll tell you how it works for me (keep in mind I have made this a huge part of my life’s mission for many years, made many choices to remove things from my life, taken many risks, worked my little fanny off at times, and done it all because I know life without tall grass time is not a life at all, and certainly not one for Oracles)… First, I pull the splinter out. I either do the un-done things that could drive me crazy or, when possible, simply put them out of my mind completely for a while. Then, I write. I journal, I channel, I explore, I reflect. I need this. Tall grass time wouldn’t be the same without it. But I don’t presume my special time is over then, (easy mistake to make.) Because that is when I look over from where I am sitting with my writing book, perched like a nymph by her waterfall, at the golden sweetness that awaits me. That is when I wander over and lie down in the tall grasses and look up at the flawless blue sky, and dissolve. I laugh perhaps, or cover my eyes with my arm to block out the sun. A bird flies over me. I wiggle my toes and let my hips lead me onto my side partly. I am not trying to fall asleep. I am not trying to find answers. I’m not trying. My mind is that clear sky and I am totally at one with my body. There is no separation. It was my body that I followed here. It is my body that leads.

And that is how the serpent returns. You have to be able to follow your body, but that can’t happen until you can feel your body. And you won’t want to feel your body unless you can feel pleasure. And you won’t be able to feel pleasure unless you have the space to find out what that means to you right here, right now in your life. Right here, right now in every moment. If you can discover that, life becomes a gentle rub against a soft, fuzzy peach, and the explosion of sweet juice in your mouth. And then even when you burn, and even when you crash and there is seemingly nothing left of you but pain in that moment, you can feel the mark of love in it somewhere deep beneath the searing. You can feel the breath of the goddess, and underneath everything you know the bleeding is right, like peach juice rolling down your thigh.

I know that making tall-grass time, based on what I just told you, may seem about as easy to get to as the moon. But I’ve been to the moon and it’s not that far away. It just takes making that dream the focal point of your choice-making and it takes the diligence of a warrior-saint. It takes squeezing moments out of your day that are almost invisible, but catch the glint of pure grace if you hold them up to the light.

It’s possible that it is making you tired just reading all of this, and the last thing you need is yet another impossible goal, another item for your to-do list, another far-off finish line to squint at while you wonder what it might feel like to be so “evolved”. But oh if you knew how much that is not what I am wanting to share with you at all! (And you are perfect in your evolution right now!)  The problem is that words don’t do justice here. They are only a broken sign in alice in wonderland’s great, dark forest and my only hope is that they lead you to close your eyes, instead, and ask your heart where to go. I believe that being able to linger in dappled sunlight and put your toes in warm water, (or some equivalent) is what happens to lend itself to making you naturally want to close those bright and luminous eyes of yours, eyelashes glinting in fresh light, and know.

So maybe you have kids, or a demanding job (or a few of them) but I know, that if you start now, you can begin to make the space your heart and soul call out for. And I know it might not feel good right away. It may make you want to run. It may make you feel as though you are stuck in hot and horrible mud at first, (simply because it’s uncomfortable to feel all you’ve been numb to and to stop your potentially-crazed momentum,) but that will pass. And one day you will relish as never before the simple breeze across your skin in one…free…moment…

From there you can hear the serpent. She doesn’t even need words. You don’t even need to hear her because you are her. Everything hidden can be brought out into the sunlight and everything dark is love. You move and the universe undulates, and the ripple effect happily staggers birthing butterflies and topples cities of shame.

That’s the life I want for you, for all of us, the life in the new world. The life of dipping your toes in the water, and with a rush of pleasure through your body, feeling home…

Love, Jennifer

Learn more about the Nymphs in Jennifer’s writings and courses about them (including the special nymph course packages,) here…

You can also read more of my writings on Spirituality and Illness here…

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