Maenads Gallery

The Maenad's Dance with Jennifer Posadathree-bacchante tourdy_p_-a_bacchante~OMf93300~10249_20130907_2880544_495 tumblr_ljpm3hACaM1qfcyz0o1_1280 tumblr_mm6h7pHULx1rnzp88o1_400 VigeeLebrun_Bacchante_Paris_MuseeNissimCamondo wardleI believe that seeing images of maenads and other nymphs in ecstatic states is healing…

I recommend spending a real moment on each image and asking yourself which ones move you the most, and why?  You can even write about it, as incredible insights can come from this…

Revel with me in the images of ancient ecstasy, seeing if it stirs anything deep in your memory…

If you want to go deeper into the mysteries and teachings of the Nymphs and Maenads, see my Nymphs page here




rel0029 tadema9 nude2 Nymphs and Satyrs circa 1840 by George Frederic Watts 1817-1904 Master_Copy___The_Bacchante_by_patsour (c) Southwark Art Collection; Supplied by The Public Catalogue Foundation maenad_with_grapes-400 leighton25 la_jeunesse_de_bacchus-1 john collier j6-2157 hacker4 dionysusridingleopard Bouguereau-bacchante-on-a-panther-L copy Bacchus_Collier bacchante-enivree bacchante-2 autumn-vintage-festival-1877 AH1L26Bac a-bacchante 3578531912_ecf33f9811_z 1352555337-xixgyo-les-pompiers-1880-1910-scalbert-jules-la-ronde-antique 548317598_08bc3437d6 8451823_fullsize 4971 4760a 014-Bacchic-Dance-1-1 4 1maenads2














































































































































































































































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