2022: The Great Reset ~ An Oracle’s Prophecy
by Jennifer | Jan 10, 2022 | Oracle Prophecy Messages, Uncategorized
Jennifer Luna Posada ~ January, 2022 This year is a portal of extraordinary and marvelous, even supernatural change… This year is the kind of passageway that opens up for a level of transformation that makes miracles. It is the kind of opportunity that most of...2021: A Vision of Hope ~ an Oracle’s Prophecy
by Jennifer | Nov 3, 2020 | Oracle Prophecy Messages, Uncategorized
Jennifer Luna PosadaNovember, 2020 These are the moments we need Oracles for… I have lived through many of them. I have seen many worlds end. I have midwived them to the other side. But this time the world is not ending. It is shapeshifting…...The Gestation: 2020 ~ An Oracle’s Prophecy
by Jennifer | Apr 3, 2020 | Oracle Prophecy Messages, Uncategorized
Jennifer Luna PosadaApril, 2020 Take heart, for what now seems sudden, shocking, heralds instead from the deep and the ancient…a place you know in the marrow of your bones and of your very soul. We called this. We called this because this will bring the medicine for a...The Reinvention: 2020 ~ An Oracle’s Prophecy
by Jennifer | Nov 8, 2019 | Oracle Prophecy Messages, Uncategorized
November 5th, 2019 Deep in the darkened, ancient hills of magic, the fireflies of remembrance glow…you slowly open your eyes from a great slumber and remember this land, remember this glow. You remember the plan you made so long ago that you had forgotten. You shed...2019: Coming Back To Life ~ An Oracle’s Prophecy
by Jennifer | Oct 30, 2018 | Oracle Prophecy Messages, Uncategorized
Jennifer Luna Posada November, 2018 They came like water…the visions…the knowing just poured over me in warm waves. The other day I suddenly just understood, as I lay in bed, as I walked down the hallway, as I had my shower…so many things about my...