Jennifer Luna Posada ~ January, 2022
This year is a portal of extraordinary and marvelous, even supernatural change…
This year is the kind of passageway that opens up for a level of transformation that makes miracles. It is the kind of opportunity that most of us have been waiting our whole lives for. The kind of chance that myths and dreams are made of…
It is not a portal everyone will take. It is not a passage everyone will choose. Not everyone is ready yet. This is a passage for the forerunners, those who will bring the new light through first. This is the initial wave, and if you are ready to take it, count yourself truly blessed because this is the way to the kind of magic we have always asked for. It’s the way back to the magic we glimpsed as children, the magic we knew in ancient times, and new levels of magic we have never felt before but that has always waited for us…
This is the return to being a magical creature, and bringing more of the gifts you have always carried inside you out into the world. To channel, experience and give these gifts here will be one of the greatest and most exquisite joys you have ever known…
So let us begin with how to know if you are ready, and then how to recognize the passage before you and choose it…down the rabbit hole and through the looking glass, but this time the dream will be lucid. You will be able to create more easily from a conscious and resourced place, to be aware of the way you participate with painting the radiant strokes of your life.
In 2022, if you are ready you will get your magic back as never before, and new magic you hadn’t yet discovered. This is what the world needs. It needs our hidden gifts to bloom in us and burst forward again, and turn the tide, finally, for the good.
If you are ready, you will feel that it is time to release anything and everything that keeps you from this pure, magical goodness coming out of you and your most profound gifts being tapped. If you are ready, you will feel ready to shed a whole skin, a whole life, a whole world you have known, to know the luminous truth of your inner world, and let it shine through you.
If you are ready a thousand hooks and a thousand chains will slide off of you, and you will have your eyes so clearly on the bright glow you have caught sight of inside of you, that you will let them go…
My work is to help along and help guide those who are ready to glow…
And that is what this message is designed to do.
To take this passage, you must be ready to call on your life force, and call on your magical gifts. And I do understand that many of you feel that you have been calling on these gifts for a long time…years, perhaps decades, without the success or level of success you have wanted doing so.
This year that can change.
This year the things you’ve tried before will work differently, and new methods or channels for accessing your gifts will present themselves to you. The most important thing you can do now is make some time and space for yourself, and then put your ear to the ground and listen closely for the direction that will come, and keep your eyes open for the signs that will appear. If you are called to, I recommend having a notebook or journal where you can write them down, especially for the rest of January.
This year 2022, is the chance at a Great Reset…a total reorientation around your soul purpose that changes your life forever.
To do what will be put before you to release your magic, you will need fuel. You will need energy. You will need access to the energy that is innately yours, that you may not have ever tapped into in this life in a significant way because we are not taught to, and because we are taught to fear and mistrust it instead.
If you have a practice that works with accessing, building and channeling life force, this is the year to do it. In awareness of this need at this time on earth, I created my online course Legends of the Nymphs: Living with Orgasmic Energy with the essential practices for accessing your life force and tuning back in to your magical gifts at a new level. (In honor of the importance of it this year, I am offering a $100 discount until January 25th…you can read about it or register here.)
Also in honor of this moment in time, I am creating a new bonus session for that course about using the practices for manifestation, potently increasing magnetism and your magical abilities…it will release in March so that anyone starting the course this month will already learned the practices and will be in an ideal position to put that magic to work. If this speaks to you, check out the course here now to take advantage of this special opportunity. I created it with so much love and care, and am immensely proud of how many students of the course have described it as having been utterly life changing just as I promised it would be. I am sharing here about my course in the message not just as some kind of plug for it, but because I earnestly believe it is the greatest and most potent gift I can offer to make the most of the amazing possibilities at hand, and to call in the magic we need more than ever…
I have spoken in my teachings about the importance of understanding that there are two main levels of manifestation. The first is conscious, which is the manifestation most people talk about. It is our ability to align ourselves energetically with an outcome or path enough to create it in our lives. The other level is what I call soul-level manifestation. That is the level at which our soul is also working, usually in a way we are not aware of, to create exactly what we need all the time.
So when we don’t perfectly create what we think we want, it isn’t because we aren’t good at manifesting. We are always perfect manifesters, it’s just that our soul may know more about exactly what we need in order to heal and grow in the perfect way.
While soul level manifestation is always also at play your ability to consciously manifest is getting a huge boost in 2022, so anything you can do to take advantage of those ripe and fertile conditions could potentially yield phenomenal results.
This is also exactly why we need to raise our magnetics now. And it’s not just for our own personal end goals, it’s because it will radically change the world. One of the reasons that is true, however, is that those of us who will be able to raise our magnetism have incredibly beautiful personal end goals.
What your heart yearns for will better the world more than you can even imagine…
You have done the work. You have refined your energy so powerfully and accessed the purity of your heart so profoundly that you are ready to use it as the exquisite instrument that it is for your soul and body to bring the magic through…for it to be what calls out and yearns for what is most perfectly aligned for you, and for its magnetism to be amplified enough to draw that in.
This is a time to really consider, reflect on, talk about or write about your deepest desires.
It is also a time to do the same thing with your deepest gifts.
Chances are you are aware of some of your gifts, or have an inkling of what you think they are. Maybe you are even deeply in touch with them. Whichever situation best describes you, you will likely make a new discovery about your gifts this year that makes them feel as if they’ve turned from gifts to superpowers.
This is the moment you have been waiting for for a very long time in your soul journey.
Gather your tools, note down your hints from the universe or revelations, keep any kindred you have near, and root fully into what you know and what newly reveals itself to be true. You are setting the space for the magic to unfold, and unfurl like a beautiful fern into every aspect of your life…
Find the way to tap back in to your life force, because it is one of the most crucial pieces to all of this potential coming to life.
That, and nurture the flaming wishes of your wildly lit up heart.
The combination of those things will propel you into a land of greater dreams and magic, and a path illuminated and untold. Our gifts and our light are needed now. We prepared for this, and now we can experience the harvest of our richest and most beautiful abundant bounty, as was meant to be…
Even if you are struggling now, trust that the magic inside you will show you the way, and may it and the gifts it opens and magnifies for you bless your life beyond all fathoming…
Learn how to raise your magnetism, connect with your life force and access your magical gifts in my online course Legends of the Nymphs: Living with Orgasmic Energy. Save $100 instantly here until January 25th, 2022, and be prepared to receive my special new bonus session on manifesting with these practices in March when you register and join now.
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