2019: Coming Back To Life ~ An Oracle’s Prophecy

by | Oct 30, 2018 | Oracle Prophecy Messages, Uncategorized | 3 comments

Jennifer Luna Posada
November, 2018

They came like water…the visions…the knowing just poured over me in warm waves.  The other day I suddenly just understood, as I lay in bed, as I walked down the hallway, as I had my shower…so many things about my life and path that I hadn’t before, despite my long history of visions.  I could hardly keep up with the beauty flowing through me as I grabbed my notebook and thanked the universe that it is time…it is finally time…for us to fully know this way again…

Once upon a time we used to tell these stories in the caves…around the fires, aside the waters.  We used to carry this knowing in our bones…and now we will carry it once again this way…

It’s time…

A time you have waited for…for so, so long…a time when you felt like you’d finally be ready.

You’re ready now.

I know…maybe it’s a little like getting somewhere and not really feeling like you have arrived.  You might be hungry and sleep deprived, and feeling like everything is surreal and all you want to do is fall into bed.  That’s okay.  I know…you have dreamt of this moment and probably you thought it might feel different.  You thought you would disembark from whatever vessel you arrived on and want to run out and explore a new city, a new vista, a new day…but perhaps instead things look cloudy and you want to turn around and go home.

Don’t worry.  You just need rest after your journey.  And when you rest you will dream…and in this new dream you will suddenly see the vision you had been holding differently.  You will realize this arrival is even more perfect and destined than the one you imagined.  Even the unknown of it is so, so very blessed.  In fact, the unknown of it is where the blessings are that you hadn’t even imagined, even in your dearest wishes…

In fact, it may be an immense, incredible relief to shed and release the things you used to want.  They may feel like clothing that doesn’t fit anymore, and it is time for the fresh and the new…


You see, you have been cocooning recently at some very deep levels.  Entering into the most frozen parts of yourself and bringing back blood flow…going to the numb, sleeping places, and waking them up.  And at first that may have felt or may still feel scary, and perhaps sometimes even terrifying.  But you have rousted enough of your dormant power and beauty that it is butterfly time.  It is wake-up-sleeping-beauty time…and you will be the one to kiss yourself awake.

You might have once believed that to be strange and uncomfortable, but you have been so broken open, so brought to your knees, so unbound, and disrobed, that you are ready, even if you don’t know it yet.  Even if you are like an animal that has been set free from past restraints but doesn’t quite know it yet, and still lingers near the old ties.  It’s okay…it takes time to realize you can run free again…to warm and ready the stiff muscles of having been bound.  And just like no one can truly hold you back now, no one can push you to set out before you are ready…

Rest is wise…again, whether this is actual rest or the permission to simply pause between the greater breaths of your life…before you take the first new huge inhale after a deep soul death and rebirth, this is when the new dream will show itself…the new vision…

2019 is a year of miracles…

2019 is a year of coming back to life.

Maybe parts of you are already alive and thriving…pulsing with life force.  But parts of you that have been arrested for years, maybe decades…maybe since before this life…are being freed like wild horses that can no longer be held captive.  And your life will never be the same…

These miracles of 2019 will come in many forms, and I have some recommendations to best prepare as we move toward the new year:

Get comfortable with the pause…

This is where, when and as it feels safe to do so, we allow ourselves to deepen into the darkness…the warm, loving darkness everything comes from.  This is where we allow ourselves not to know what’s coming next, and just to do our best to relax into resting there, and resting as much as we can in general.  This will begin to nourish and rejuvenate us and we can just linger here as long as it takes…

Let yourself dream, and look for signs…

As we linger in this resting phase, new dreams and visions may begin to stir and rouse us.  There is no need here for us to jump into action, but just to begin to feel inspired and moved from within.  We can just let this unfolding start to slowly bring us back to a gentle awareness of a new life coming into being.  We can just linger here, also, as long as this phase takes…

Build warmth, let energy build and flow in your body…

This is the step where it will begin to feel more easy to move energy again, and in new ways…to boost the circulation in your being and your body.  This circulation may come about from actual movement of your body, from connection and new interactions with others, from sexual energy and orgasm, or from a fresh energy of creative flow in your life…

The most important thing about this step is that you won’t have to force it.  It will just move like water downhill…you will just find yourself drawn to what you need.  You will just suddenly be grabbing a pen and free-writing spontaneously, or leaning into a new attraction easily, or wanting to go up and take a walk in the bright new day.  But again, this step can’t be rushed and will come on its own…it will come about because you let it and waited without pressuring yourself, rather than because you thought it had to.

And oh my god will it feel good…

This is where it all comes together and the rest, which leant itself to dreaming the new dream, is now supported by refreshed energy and flow to bring magic into being.  One day you will just know it is time to kiss yourself awake, and you will know how.  Even if you don’t realize it is happening until it is underway, suddenly you will feel that you have let slide off heavy blankets you didn’t realize you’d been carrying for such a very long time.

And your muscles will be stronger because you met your burdens, and finally learned, through relationship with them, to cast them off…but only when they had taught you everything they came to teach you, and gifted you with everything they had to gift you.

This is when the spark catches fire.  This is when the flame of new goodness comes into your life, burns out the old, and heats up the life force of a new era in your reality.  When you break free, it may disrupt the status quo of some things in your life, and at first it may upset some people around you.  But you can’t keep a beautiful bird caged forever, and it was inevitable that you would eventually burn through your binds.  You are too bright a creature to stay in a box…

And everything you have ever wished for and have not yet experienced is outside of that box…

It’s time to trust being a phoenix…because every other option will become a life of dust.  It is time to burn or fade away.  And you will never fade away.  So, you will find a way to trust your fire again.  Your true fire is never harmfully destructive, but a force of healing nature…a thing of beauty…a balm of truth.

Just keep your beautiful phoenix eyes open for the truth it will reveal.  And while you may gasp at first, then you will finally exhale, with a relief you have waited lifetimes to feel…

You do deserve this freedom, and you can have it here on this earth.  And 2019 opens the doorway to make bring it right to your fingertips.  You won’t even have to reach or grasp for it…it will come to you.  And you will laugh, dip your fingers in that honey, and laugh again…that it all finally happened…just as you dreamed it before this lifetime.  Just as you dreamed it in a faraway time and place.  And all the other place-holding visions will fall away and reveal more of the master plan than you have ever seen before…

So just rest if and however you can…trust this pause between breaths, and trust that the dream will come, followed by the signs to lead you into the new flow of energy that becomes the fruition of some of the deepest destinies of your path.  Destinies of joy and realization…destinies of freedom and release…destinies of knowing and sharing your power like never before, like a spring bursting forth finally from dry ground, watering the ground again…and bringing you back to life…




Want more support in deepening into the current energies and opening to new visions for next year?… join my online course available worldwide, The Oracle Course: The Essential Course in Intuition and Vision …Read about the course or register here!

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