Jennifer Luna Posada
November, 2020
These are the moments we need Oracles for…
I have lived through many of them. I have seen many worlds end. I have midwived them to the other side. But this time the world is not ending. It is shapeshifting…
Shapeshifting causes endings too…because you do not come out in the same form you went in…but you live through. You transform. There is alchemy, forced by necessity. A deeper nature comes out. And this is what will happen to our world. There will be losses. There already have been. But some things are never lost, and these losses will be the makings of new stars…the seeds of new beginnings that have been long destined…
We only have to be able to survive the shapeshifting. It isn’t easy, but it is more rewarding than any other endeavor. It is the shapeshifting of love taking us back to our true essences, by unraveling all the darkness that has long been spun. It will be scary to watch it unravel, mostly within us…but there are tools for shapeshifting, and I can help you remember them.
It’s why I kept the memory all this time. It’s what Oracles are for.
To shapeshift we are going to need:
- fuel
- to reopen the lines to our inner knowing
To do these two things we are going to need to:
- learn to build energy within
- reconnect with our bodies more deeply
- reconnect with our magical gifts
Over nearly 16 years of teaching about this I have heard people say almost more than anything else that they wish to remember their gifts…their special soul abilities, their purpose. It used to be the dream to access these gifts, now it’s going to be the imperative.
We are going to need these soul gifts to survive. Perhaps not to actually survive…though that’s possible as well, but to dredge the magical knowing from deep beneath the human conditioning, profound wounding, and massive-scale trauma in order to shapeshift as we will need to.
It’s time to heal.
Like never before.
And in a way we’ll never quite know the likes of again, because we will never quite need to.
In my song “Avalon” I wrote…
This is that day.
It’s okay to be afraid. But there is no need to be too afraid. We planned this. We have been preparing for this, at levels we are not even aware of yet. But we are going to become more and more aware of them…especially those of us who are sensitive, empathic, open. We will feel it first. It is going to start bursting through in our dreams, in symbolism around us, in our connections with each other.
To access most deeply these signs and visions, as I have shared, you are going to need your gifts, and you are going to need to reconnect with your body and the infinite energy in it.
I know…some of you are thinking, oh god anything but in the body. Scariest cave of all. Perhaps right now especially. But it is the place filled with the most riches too. The ones you most want and need. And if you want to stop reading now because you think my approach won’t work for you because you are sick and in pain, hang on just an extra moment or two…
See, I spent over a decade in the underworld of illness and pain so that I would know for sure what I am talking about. Like the Goddess Innana, I chose to go down there and explore it willfully, so that I could understand the furthest reaches of suffering and know that even there the flame can be lit within and kept burning, and furthermore that it could be made so much stronger by that experience.
I once wrote there are special muscles that you gain from crawling out of hell, but that you usually only gain by crawling out over and over again for a long time. When they are strong enough you get to move on, and then you get to keep them forever. They allow you to do things you could never otherwise have done. They give you superpowers from the deepest parts of your soul.
As I’ll explain later there are also ways to gain superpowers from beauty and gentleness, and that is the shift we are learning to make now…but always know that your journeys through hell mattered, and still matters. You gained or are gaining gifts you may not even have experienced yet. Climbing out of hell over and over again may be what has given you back your wings.
To access your superpowers…your deepest soul gifts, and your ability to shapeshift for these coming times, you are going to have to do one thing…
You are going to have to learn to access and build energy from within, because this is the fuel you need. Our fuel tanks are mostly empty and it is time to refuel, and then reopen the lines to our deepest knowing.
Learning to access and build energy from within also both draws you inward and draws you into your body, helping to reveal and fuel your gifts…covering all the bases with one act. But a key is that ideally the way you build energy within has to have an element of joy or pleasure or it won’t naturally draw you in and compel you back to it again and again. Especially in these crucial times, there must be a semi-immediate reward, even if it is subtle. We need the medicine as we go, not at some later date when we “achieve” the next level of mastery.
I know that this does not reflect the ancient traditions of many cultures and spiritualities as we know them. Many spiritual practices tend to have to do with enduring and overcoming hardship. And there is great beauty in that…the butterfly becoming the caterpillar. But we have learned a lot through hardship and need to remember now how to also learn as we did in an even more ancient time, through softness, sweetness, love and pleasure.
We have come to think of these qualities of experience as less powerful and I am here to assure you that there are no more powerful qualities than these. Even the hardships were only designed to bring us back to them because these qualities describe the experience of our true nature when we have returned to it.
I am aware that as things stand in the world, even before the events of this year, a return to these qualities has seemed nearly impossible to reach, and perhaps even like a cruel joke to mention. A night of sleep, an hour to oneself, a day without pain or grief, a true experience of our deeper knowing, even for a moment…perhaps even these things have seemed utterly unobtainable.
But we are going to find room now. Room is going to be made by the cracking and breaking of our former lives as we have known them, and by the cracking and breaking of the former world and its systems. This may be the greatest gift of the breakdown. It will make us realize we can’t live as we were living, and will crack open new spaces ultimately for vibrant growth, transformation, and new energy.
It will make us realize that we need to live more like animals, because that is what we are. We will have to take care of our bodies in new ways because they will show us that is the only hope for continuing to function. We will have to unplug more from what doesn’t serve us and find and take care of each other, even in small groups or over a distance, to make this transition possible and light up a new world.
Yes, I am saying now anyway. Connect with others in ways that feel safe, and shine your light. (First build it, then shine it…your glow means everything.) We all need that now more than ever. There are some people who will leave your life now or already recently have. Unless you get inner guidance otherwise to take other steps, let go and trust it. You are aligning or will align with the ones you are most meant to for this momentous transition point on the earth. So focus on the ones who stay, or who arrive soon.
Another important element of the coming times is that your secret longings are going to illuminate the path to a new vision and a new land. The things that stand in the way of you moving toward them will be moved away until there is nothing left but the flame that you are, shining brightly into the darkness.
It’s time to take instruction. From within.
But as I have said, first we need the fuel, and then we have to open back up the lines.
There is another mostly untapped resource we have for accessing our superpowers, getting the fuel we need to shapeshift, building our inner energy, shining our light in connection with others, and reopening the lines to our knowing, body wisdom and soul gifts, and it is our sexual energy. As I recently wrote,
…whether you are in touch with it or not there is a warm, glowing bed of embers inside of you, just waiting to catch flame and ignite your life.
Before I go on let me address the obvious. Unless you are a highly sexual creature I do understand that sex, as we generally think of it, may be the last thing on your mind. If you need to be focused on basic survival, or grief, or health concerns, or the state of the world, or the myriad other stressors pummeling down our doors, then you might be laughing (or wanting to cry) at my even mentioning it. Understandably so.
But I am not talking directly about sex right now, (though that’s a welcome inclusion in the subject I am talking about with immensely healing potential for those who engage in it now too.) I am talking about sexual energy. The creative and boundless source of life force that we have all been taught to fear and repress, or access only during sexual activities but that holds the key to a return to vitality and vision.
And I am not just talking about any little boost in vitality and vision that would feel like some small bonus, no…I am talking about the absolutely critical elements we need right now to make it through this shift in the world.
Whether or not we choose to let this also be explored in a sexual way with another human is not the most important focus now…the most important focus is that we need to regain access to our lifeforce.
We need our lifeforce back so we can shapeshift, and we need to be able to shapeshift to survive the coming changes. When we have a reservoir of our life force we can call on it when it is needed, and use it to enter the realms of magic within us.
The best thing to do now to build this reservoir and access our life force again, which then allows us to open the lines to our inner knowing and magical gifts, is to use any practices you have to help you access that pure life energy. These could be something like breathing practices of various kinds, walking outside, dancing or movement practices…use your favorites, preferably as often as possible or as feels right to you at this time.
If you don’t currently have a practice you use to build life force, or wish to learn more, the most potent practices I can offer are the ones I teach in my online Energy Orgasm Course, they heal you as you practice them and while you may decide to use them to learn to have “energy orgasms” just using them to build energy is a magical and life changing process. They also can be incorporated into your daily activities or other practices so that they don’t take more from your precious time…they only give. They will utterly transform your life.
In whichever way you do it building your life force matters now, because when the dust settles in 2021, many things will be revealed. You will be asked to step out on a limb for what you most deeply feel and believe in…and most importantly what your soul aches for and always has. That will be a little different for each of us, but you likely want some things in common with all of us: connection, with your deepest self, with your body, with your intuition and knowingness, and with others who are like you…connection with your gifts, and your magic.
And, in 2021, we will need magic and be ready for more than ever, and need it to help us shapeshift into a new world…magic will be called out of us, and we will allow it to be. Our gifts will be called upon. The more tools we have now and the more we build our energy and connection to our inner knowing, the more smoothly and profoundly this will occur.
We can still light up the world with love. It starts inside and by finding it there even when things are falling apart all around you. Find what sustains you inside, and then share it with others whenever you can. That is how we will light the light again. That it how we will light the signal fires again to let each other know…it’s time. It’s the time we waited for. It’s time to remember, it’s time to heal, it’s time to let an old world die, and watch a new one be born. It’s time to have the hidden magic called out of us, and live by its guidance.
The fountain of youth, the ocean of healing, the holy grail, the keystone, the sacred scriptures, the hidden way, the truest alchemy, the magical gifts, the promised land, the answers to all, the comfort with the unknown, the trust in love, it is all within. And when we find it within and share it, where we thought no way could open, the new way is shown.
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