How I live my life as an Oracle…
The following are sessions I recorded for a private podcast five years ago, and while some things have changed, a lot about how I live as an Oracle has remained the same…here are the juicy tidbits about how I live the things I teach. I hope you enjoy and I love you all…
How I Practice Self-Love
How I Practice Intuition
Newly Added!…How I Practice Sexuality
Be sure to join Jennifer’s email list to be notified when these new audios are released! Also, if you love these audios you will love Jennifer’s courses here…
Free Audio Session: What is an Energy Orgasm?… (you can also see a video here…)
Hear Jennifer read some of her favorite writings…
The Land of Milk and Honey is Within…
Free Download of Jennifer Live in Seattle!
Hear Jennifer speak to almost 300 Sound-Healers-in-Training about her work, sound, intuition and self-love…including two incredible live sound healing sessions! (One with Mary Magdalen, Goddess Isis, and Goddess Nut) Enjoy!
(Download Instructions: On a PC, right click the link above, or on a Mac press “control” while clicking on the link, and then choose “save link as” or “download link”.)
Best to listen with headphones! : )
For more audio from Jennifer check out her CD Soul Sounds, or her courses! You’d probably love her videos too!
So many more free recordings yet to come! Be sure to join Jennifer’s email list to be notified when new items are released!