The Return of the Sexual Priestess Course

A 7-Session Course by Telephone Conference

Return of the Sexual Priestess with Jennifer PosadaOnce upon a time, perhaps you remember somewhere deep inside, women ruled the world…

Not just any women.  Sexual Priestesses.

In the time I am speaking of, they ruled with perfect grace.  They were natural leaders, and chosen for this reason.  They were the healers.  They were the Prophetesses.  They were the truth-speakers and seers.  They knew the way, and knew how to show it to others.  They never misused power, because when you truly have it, you never need to.

They knew what we have forgotten…  That touch is true magic.  That the language of the body is the one that most intimately carries all the secrets of the universe.  That ecstasy and pleasure are our sacred birthrights.  That the moon, sun and stars bow because our beauty is so great, and we need never forget it.  That nature has endless energy and gifts to give us, without our ever really needing to take anything from it.  They were pure embodiments of their Goddess selves, and they spread the radiance and love of the divine in everything they did…

These women gently, powerfully and lovingly led the world to always remember the deeper truths of love, and now their teachings are needed on the earth once again…their return will happen through you and me.  We will re-embody these ways, and access the memories that may whisper most sweetly of all, deep in our souls.  Returning to these ways will also quench our heart’s deepest thirsts, and light the fires we thought we could not be re-lit…

These Sexual Priestesses knew how to heal with sexuality, a sexuality they might choose to explore and express with only themselves at times, with one or two chosen lovers, or with many.  This was the choice of each Priestess just as it is and will be now for each of us.  While there are no longer the same temples for us to choose to live in and practice from, we will make one of each of our homes and the places we gather.  And while there are no longer the same clear examples of exact ways to practice as a Sexual Priestess, we can remember those from the past and find the new ways to bring them into our lives now

The Sexual Priestess did not lord over others.  She knew how to respect and revere the beauty in all souls, and all genders and gender expressions, and helped reflect and draw out the gifts in all people.  A person of any gender can be a natural and perfect leader, but just as it was long ago, it is a time on the earth when this specific female example and leadership is and will be a perfect balm for the wounds of the past, and the ideal inspiration for entering into a new era…

The Sexual Priestess is the missing link in the world today, and the answer to the world’s prayers… Her wisdom and guidance is what will turn everything around, for each of us in our individual lives in the world at large.  We bring her back by becoming her, and we become her by returning to her hallowed ground…the power of our cherished body and precious sexual energy…

In This Course You Will:

*  Hear about different lineages of Sexual Priestesses

*  Learn about the first Sexual Priestesses, the Nymphs

*  Discover how to access your own Sexual Priestess within

*  Learn tools and techniques of various types of ancient Sexual Priestesses

*  Find out what nourishment and support is needed for your Sexual Priestess Path…

*  Learn about various paths of the Sexual Priestess to find out how you would like to express her in your life

*  Discover how to inspire your ancient memories as a Sexual Priestess…

*  Explore the ways you can enhance your sexuality with your inner Sexual Priestess, with yourself, another person, or multiple partners/you wish to work with multiple people in some way…

*  Consider the potential role Sexual Priestesses could and do play now

*  Learn about some ways modern Sexual Priestesses are practicing now in the world…

You will receive as a part of this Course:

~ 7 two-hour sessions by telephone conference, including the teaching for each week and a closing sound healing session

~ Optional weekly explorations and exercises for the time between sessions

~ The opportunity to ask questions and share live on each call

~ Recordings of each session that can be listened to online (in case you need to miss some!)

~ Membership in an online community so you can continue the discussions and sharing the experience after the course is complete!

This is a special 7-part course at the Oracle School offered by telephone conference

April 22nd – June 3rd, 2014

Tuesdays, 5 – 7pm Pacific time

7-Session Course by Telephone Conference

“The classes are a magical, transformative experience…You will be infinitely rewarded…” Sarah Hilliker, San Francisco, Californiamore testimonials…   Or You Can Read “10 Reasons why you should take my courses” here!

To Register Choose a Payment Option Below: (pay in full or make four monthly payments!)

Ooh…wait a sec…if you think you want to take more than one course, first check out the awesome course packages here!

(Please note, this was a previously offered course and there are no current dates available, but please subscribe to Jennifer’s newsletter if you would like to hear about a time at which this course may be offered again or click here to view Jennifer’s currently available courses!)


(Please note that your course payments are non-refundable, including expectation of completed payment plans, but there is an excellent reason!…This is a powerful soul commitment to yourself and this policy protects against the resistance that can arise right after you commit to loving yourself in this way that wants to tell you to pull out! Don’t worry…this will be one of the best decisions you ever make. Read love notes from people who agree here. : )

Note: As an additional payment choice, Paypal has a financing option that will allow you to register now and have six months interest-free time with no payments…click here to see if you are eligible!

Want to pay by check?  Click Here

Have Questions?  Just email jennifer(at)!

Part of the proceeds of this course will go to:

Eve Ensler’s Organization to End Violence Against Women

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