A Seven-Session Course by Telephone Conference
If you are looking for a sign, like a shooting star across a dark night, this is it…
If you feel like you are only living your life half-way and yet still long to live the life of your dreams, you are in the right place, exactly, right now…
If you are run down, or feeling vital but without direction…like something is missing, but you can’t quite put your finger on it, you just did. Welcome, to The Sexual Woman Ecstatic Enlightenment Training, because it is time, finally, for another path of enlightenment…the feminine path to enlightenment, and her path looks a little different than what we have thus far been shown elsewhere…
Her path is rocky, and funky, and as pure and soft as silk at the very same time. Her path is human while divine, and leaves nothing out…no emotion too intense, too mundane, too earthly. In fact she loves the mud, as much as she loves the lotus that rises from it. She loves the ache, as much as the healing balm. She is sassy, brassy, talks too loudly often, and sometimes unintelligibly softly. She wails, and sings.
She likes bright colors and dark nights and is more changeable than the ocean or the moon. For her, it is a package deal, and she isn’t afraid to bring it all on. She isn’t afraid to walk with a foot in both worlds, to be human and enlightened, woman and goddess, all at once. She can wail in turmoil and ecstasy, both at once, or go between one and the other within seconds.
We are that wild goddess. We are that mercurial and tempestuous living landscape of flames. We are that and so much more, and we can only access this pure power, this power the world needs more than anything else, if we access our innate sexual nature and potency. And the only way to access this sexual power is to dig our way out of the shame, the repression and the rage, so that we can take over the world. Not just the big world, but our own individual worlds, the ones that touch us in every day of our lives…for that is how we will change that bigger world…by totally reinventing our own lives and senses of self.
To see ourselves differently most truly, we must move into radical self-love and incredible authenticity, the kind we might have given up on long ago because we thought it was unacceptable or we couldn’t do well in this world because of its insane brightness. It’s time to light it up again…to really “turn on and tune in,” and in this course you will receive every resource to do just that, as we draw on the ancient wisdom of sacredly sexual priestesshoods of many traditions from around the world…
It is time to bring back the juice in your life, and find all the places inside that are thirsty and dry, and to quench the deep longings you have waited so long to quench that you had almost forgotten about them, and stopped believing could thrive again. It’s time to revisit your wildest longings and your truest desires, and make room to taste them, along with every forbidden fruit of yearning you have ever known. It is time to blow the world wide open with your goddessliness, and only you can say yes. Let’s do this together, Gorgeous Creature…
In this Course you will…
Understand the path of the juicy way of living, and watch it create a total renovation of and revolution in your life…
Find your spark, your inner flame, and live an inspired, purposeful, meaningful life…
Learn that sexuality = life force and bring yourself back to life, revitalized energy, and vibrant health!…
Make the full connection between your sexual nature, magnetism, and the pure power of attraction to pull outrageous abundance into your life!
Take your sexuality out of just the bedroom and out into the rest of your life, seeing how it touches everything with the magic of your electric, beating, magical heart…
Access the deepest levels of your raw creative force, and the fierce courage to access it and release your gifts into the world…
Find out how to stand up in your full power as a woman, as a goddess embodied, and live and speak the fullness of your truth…
Light the world on fire with your passion and your power, and call to your life the relationships that reflect who you truly are…
Access profound intuitive abilities by understanding how to use ecstatic and pleasureful states to enter into trance and receive powerful spontaneous revelations…
Receive practices for experiencing deeper physical and emotional pleasure and ecstasy, to use this pleasure as a healing and rejuvenating force, and integrating this pleasure into your life…
You will receive as a part of this Course:
~ 7 two-hour sessions by telephone conference, including the teaching for each week and a closing sound healing session
~ Optional weekly explorations and exercises for the time between sessions
~ The opportunity to ask questions and share live on each call
~ Recordings of each session that can be listened to online (in case you need to miss some!)
~ A book and resource list big enough to keep you sexually thriving for a lifetime!
~ Membership in an online group so you can continue the discussions and sharing the experience after the course is complete!
~ The chance to become part of a community of juicy, fabulous women who are embodying or learning to embody their Ecstatic Enlightenment!
This is a 7-part course at the Oracle School offered by telephone conference(Please note, this was a previously offered course and there are no current dates available, but please subscribe to Jennifer’s newsletter if you would like to hear about a time at which this course may be offered again!)