Close your eyes…you can feel it better that way. It won’t hurt. It might make your heart sore, but only on the way to making it feel better…better than it has felt in a long time. Because with your eyes closed, in the dark, finally your vision will clear. You will see a vision for your future that shines…like leaves in a fresh rain…and everything will begin anew…
It was in the new stirrings of eclipse energies earlier this month that I first felt it…the promise of next year emerging like a bud unexpectedly, as if from a plant I hadn’t even known would flower that way…a sweet, hot shock of pink emerging from a green world. A new vision, that would blossom for each of us in this coming new year of 2014.
What I could also foretell is that this new vision would be like a welcome rain after a long dry spell. For months, even years, it is as if we have been trying to paste new dreams together out of mere dust, and yet our efforts have actually been beautiful, and the skills and muscles we built trying so hard will serve us later. But often our dreams seemed still not just right, even when we worked on figuring out what we desired and wanted to manifest with true diligence…it was like a painting or poem that still didn’t quite looked how we wanted it to when we were done most of the time, even after tweeking it and even if certain true satisfactions were still found in the process.
In the coming year it will be like a film of that very dust will suddenly be rinsed away from our view and we will see new colors, and textures and shapes. All at once what didn’t quite fit will adjust, or take on a new potential form that suddenly makes it work beautifully with everything around it. We will realize there were things we visualized for our lives that we don’t even want anymore, and discover other things we want much, much more. And even in just having these realizations, some of these visions will begin to actualize right away, and we will become more nourished. And the more nourished and supported we are, the more we are suddenly able to clear the space to bring more of our visions and dreams into reality.
This is a process that will take place over the entire year, with perhaps several peaks of realization, or for some of us one big one that is the pivot point for the whole year and further beyond. But there is one more important element in this unfolding…the next several months that lead us into and begin the year of 2014. These are the months that set the stage for all that blossoming, and, like the bud, they are a mostly cocooned, unseen time that is concentrated within.
This means that although we can look forward to a time of bright new vision, it will be proceeded by a time where we can’t see very much at all, and that time will be the nourishment and fuel for the later blooms. This time in the unknown and the dark will be the very thing that clears the way for that new perspective and clarity. A new, lucid certainty will enter your heart and your life as a result of diving deep into the unknown and flying completely blind in uncertainty for a while. When you fly that way you have only one navigation system: trust.
Because this phase will push us to trust more deeply in ourselves and the universe that makes this a profoundly healing time. The gateway to deeper trust is through our fears, but when we are forced to lean into our fears, we begin to dispel and transform them, and when they finally have no more power in our lives the gift is so great that any trial was worth it. For most of us, this won’t be a time of ongoing dramatic confrontations with our fears so much as a time when we find ourselves in unfamiliar territory of feeling where none of our old languages or tools work, and we have to go without them. (Which might feel scary at times.) I see this happening in all areas of our lives: relationships, self-image, life’s purpose, home, and more…though certainly it will happen more so in some areas than others for each of us.
One of the beautiful things that will come of this soonest, aside from the dispelling of fears, is that we will find that our other inner senses start to flourish. Without certainty about how to approach whatever comes up for us, it will be like feeling our way along in the dark. We will begin to trust not what we imagine to be true, but only what feels true right under our fingertips each time we reach out to orient ourselves…step by step, and moment by moment. Our abilities to feel what is right in front of us, authentically in each instant, will intensify and grow more powerful. Our energies will be called back from past encounters and future worries or projections and we will find ourselves right here, right now, in our bodies…feeling, and ready. So that when new vision comes it will be like a sudden break in the clouds when you least expect it, when you had grown used to the storm and knew just how to weather it, and you will be totally ready to receive this new vision. You will be more healed, strong, and embodied.
So, there are no exact instructions for these next two to four months, (the timing will be a little different for everyone,) but just knowing some of what this time is about provides a helpful touchstone and some simple guidelines. Let it be okay if you don’t know what is coming next right now, or part of the details about it all. Know that ambiguity and uncertainty have especially healing power right now, wherever they show up in your life. Welcome the healing that comes from letting go in the dark. From just feeling your way along with the innocence of someone who knows that they don’t know the way right now…and that ironically that actually is the way. While you may not be able to count on things feeling as you expect them to, and may need to take extra special loving care of yourself when this brings up fears, doubts or heartaches that need to be cleared, you will at times feel yourself begin to sink into the lush beauty of not having to know. The sweet, sumptuous place of being able to just feel your way in each moment…the deep release and welcome relief of leaning back into the universe, into the trust in your own deeper inner knowing, and letting go.
Take supreme, luxurious care of yourself in this time of feeling blind before the new vision comes. You’ll see that this time suddenly affords moments of being able to sink into your body and senses differently, and that it will nurture and sustain you at a level you have been thirsting for. Know that a beauty and richness you have held hope for in your heart for a great, long time is about to be ripe for you to finally know and experience in your life, and let this time in the dark signal your new vision for your life in the coming year, and your sweet rebirth…
Love, Jennifer
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