The Five Egyptian Oracle Empowerments

A Special Late-Fall Oracle Course with Jennifer Posada

A Five-Session Course by Telephone Conference

The ancient Oracles of Egypt had many sacred teachings, these very special and otherwise-lost teachings are now brought forward again by the ages-old memories of Oracle Jennifer Posada.  These teachings of profound self-transformation will be offered this season for all those who feel ready in their hearts to receive them in this remarkable moment.

A new year is coming, and a series of shift-points unlike any we have yet known as we also enter into the dark time of fertility and change.  This is a potent opportunity for deep and radical healing and transformation.  It is a time where deep creative power within ourselves can be called forward to shift our lives in a way we have never experienced it before, and as we welcome forward this change in our beings it ripples out to affect the entire world…

Enter into the heart of an ancient Egypt that is rarely spoken of, for it is rarely known and remembered.  Enter into the chambers of the Egyptian temple within you, and know yourself in entirely new ways as long-held memories are stirred and words are spoken you have not heard in many ages.  During this course, five sacred empowerments from this ancient Egyptian lineage of Oracles will be shared, along with sound healing journeys and suggested practices and explorations for each week.

This course will begin on the night of a full moon and lunar eclipse and complete on the very night of the Mayan Shift date and Solstice…allowing us to take full advantage of integrating these empowerments at the very moments of deepest shift.

Receive teachings and sounds from Egyptian Goddesses Isis, Hathor, Sehkmet, and many more on the Five Egyptian Oracle Empowerments:






(And their expressions: Purification, Honor, Freedom, Faith and Love)

* Learn the arts of self-transformation of the ancient Oracles of Egypt…

* Purify, reflect, and receive empowerment in perfect timing for an upcoming new year and new cycle…

* Receive teachings and practices that will impact your life view, life direction, and the way you perceive and express yourself…

* Rediscover a path to self-knowledge that you may remember from long ago, and that you can carry forward with you for the rest of this life…

* Dive ever deeper into self-love, and love itself as a path of illuminated and endless healing…

You will receive as a part of this Course:

~ 5 two-hour sessions by telephone conference, including the teaching for each week and a closing sound healing session

~ Optional weekly explorations and exercises for the time between sessions

~ The opportunity to ask questions and share live on each call

~ Recordings of each session that can be listened to online (in case you need to miss some!)

This is a 5-session course at the Oracle School offered by telephone conference

November 27th – December 21st, 2012

5-7pm Pacific Time, Tuesdays November 27th – December 18th, and Friday December 21st

“The classes are a magical, transformative experience…You will be infinitely rewarded…” Sarah Hilliker, San Francisco, Californiamore testimonials…

To Register Choose a Payment Option Below:

Full Registration: $795 (you are saving $45 when you pay in full!)

Or Register with 4 Monthly Payments:



(Please note that $200 of your registration payment is a non-refundable, non-transferable deposit)

Want to pay by check?  Click Here

Have Questions?  Just email jennifer(at)!


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