The Virgin and the Whore (Are One…)

by | Apr 6, 2014 | Sexuality, The Sexual Priestess, Uncategorized | 2 comments

lefebvre ondineSaturday, April 5th, 2014

They flowed in perfect swirls of grace and undulating passion like the waves of the ocean.  So easily and beautifully, that it took your breath away just to see them.  They were in complete harmony with their bodies, with nature, and with the cosmos all at once.  They had made themselves vessels in the purest sense, and allowed to flow through them the most natural thing in the whole world…love.  We are all love, but the Sexual Priestesses knew this completely.  They knew it, and they lived it.  And they weren’t afraid of how it looked, or what it meant later, because they knew that love…in the truest sense…can only breed more love.  These women are the untold story that sings in your bones when you hear about it…you know exactly what I am speaking of at some deep, mostly-unspoken level.  These women kept the harmony of all living beings on our planet, once upon a time…

For a long while now it’s been talked about that women in much of our modern world have only two sexual roles to choose from: virgin or whore.  And it is a slippery slope toward “whore,” I’m afraid, for any sexual woman at all.  (Though I am not saying that’s a bad thing.  I am proud to be a whore.)  But even worse is the recognition in more recent years that really women are expected to somehow be both virgin and whore, and yet still manage walk the tight rope of remaining socially acceptable on top of it.  Which doesn’t apply, of course, to women who don’t give a damn.  But even those women might not realize how deeply this dichotomy flows through us all, and there is a very powerful reason it does run so deep…

It was created as a tool to control women’s sexuality so that the earth-worshiping Goddess religions could be overthrown, religions that were inextricably interwoven with free-flowing sexuality.  The twisting vines of these authoritative structures may still impact in subtle ways even those of us who resist it, and the overall effect of generations of this suppression of the sexual woman moves through all of our ideas about love, sexuality, our bodies and relationships.  Most women, even subconsciously, agree to certain cultural norms simply to remain more “safe” feeling, since the weapons used against female sexuality were two-fold: brutality and shame.  A powerful combination, but ultimately not nearly as powerful as the luminous sublimity of the Sexual Feminine.  Its fully-expressed return in the world is, finally, imminent…

I put “safe” in parenthesis above because feeling safe is central to the blossoming of any person’s sexuality, for even if that sexual exploration also involves great risk, having bodily, survival-level safety is required for full arousal and fully expressed pleasure.  The “safety” I refer to in the paragraph above is a bargain made in perpetual fear, and not actually safe-feeling at all.  It was once simply the safest option we had…to hide.  It was better than living in outright terror.  But it is finally time for safe space to be created for the feminine traditions to return and be reborn in the world, and be welcomed.  There is a thirst for the healing ways of the feminine in the world like no other, and it only grows as we move deeper into the transformation of our world, and what I call in my book The Oracle Within, “The Great Remembering”.

I want to share with you the great secret about the virgin and the whore: they are one.  They are both the Sexual Priestess that lives within every woman.  Whore comes from Hor, leading back to and connected to the Goddess Ishtar and her Sacred Prostitutes and the Horae, nymphs of Aphrodite, all of whom were Sacredly Sexual Priestesses, among many others.  (The word harlot also goes back to these origins.)  And, as if that wasn’t powerful enough to realize, the word for Sexual Priestess across many cultures literally meant “virgin”.  And virgin meant a, “Woman who Owns Herself”…and a woman who owns herself sexually.  Can you imagine what the world would be like if women truly owned themselves?  And really, fully owned themselves sexually?

Virgin also simply meant Holy One.  And Sacredly Sexual Priestesses were considered as holy as one could be.

I will tell you what that looked like in the golden era of the Sexual Priestesses, women who were also the highest cultural leaders and wisdom keepers of their time.  To give you a picture of it, I’ll ask you to imagine for a moment a world in which people, as a mass, were sexually fulfilled.  Sexually happy.  Sexually whole.  (Fulfillment as a wave form between deep desire and its fulfillment, over and over, sourced by the love of the universe.)  And not just because they could make love to Sexual Priestesses…because they had been shown by these Priestesses how to know their own beauty, access their own powerful energies and bodily capacity for pleasure, and how to make love from that place with all other lovers.  Sexual Priestesses were the Oracles of sexuality and love.  They reminded others of their true nature and heritage: love.

And that is why the other thing you would have to imagine to get a glimpse of the world in the times of the Sexual Priestess is a world in which everyone felt love.  A world in which absolutely everyone had felt love coursing through them, felt truly loved, and knew their essence was love.  Imagine.

Because what these Priestesses shared most, sometimes with their bodies in the unique way each Priestess might choose to express this, or sometimes with their feelings, words or other expressions, was indeed pure love.  They were fearless with their love, and masters at reawakening people to love when they had forgotten it, again so that every human on the earth had the chance to feel loved.  Even if someone’s family or any other intimate relationships had seemed to lack true love, these women gave people a human embodiment of the love available to us at all times.  They made it bodily.  They made it earthly.  They were transmitters of love and love incarnate.  While they lived as instruments and musicians of this love, none who had access to them could forget the love within themselves, and everyone had the chance to heal in the all-consuming, warmly-bathing, incandescent glow of that ineffable beauty.  Love wasn’t just an idea.  It truly was a verb.

Certainly we are all love incarnate.  And certainly every gender has the ability to share and transmit this love.  It is simply that at that time it was most needed through the feminine and in female expression, just as it is most needed now on the earth, once again.

We are meant to be the radiant embodiments of love that we truly are, and women and those of us on the more female side of the gender spectrum especially at this time are meant to be examples of this so powerfully again…shining on everything around us as if a shower of golden petals trails behind us.  And not just to give and give in ways that may or may not serve us, but to give only in ways that light us up inside and make us overflow with joy.  It is the overflow of our joy and pleasure that is the most potent transformational force in our world.  I know it’s scary.  I know you know how life has been asking you to open to love, and everything it has brought up for you…I know about those most primal fears that were created to protect you long ago when loving from that place of power became dangerous and “shameful”.  But it is that love that opens every locked door, to every wonderland we have ever dreamed of.  It is that love that opens the door to the realization of our heart’s greatest desires, and will do so for others around us…

I know…we’ve been through some pretty sheer hell, in this life and before, and maybe the last thing we feel like doing most days is raining pretty golden showers of love petals.  We may feel like we barely have a drop of water to give ourselves to keep from dying of thirst.  And that is why we begin by filling our own cup again.  That is always where it begins and where the focus remains (because remember, it is simply the overflow of our own joy that really makes the waves in the world…)  In my next post, the third in this series, I will write more about how to do this, and how to become the Sexual Priestess again in your life…

And now that we know that virgin-whore means a woman who owns herself and owns her exquisite and fully sacred sexuality, the old dichotomy melts away into the renewed power of our much more ancient past, and the resplendent future that awaits us all in its rebirth, and our own…

Love you all and I’ll be back soon with more…

Love, Jennifer

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