The Orgasmic Woman ProjectIn honor of my upcoming book The Return of the Sexual Priestess!

Here are my loveliest resources on the Sexual Priestess!…

PoussinSatyrSleepingNymph Web

Sexual Priestess Writings:

Becoming the Sexual Priestess

Why the World Needs the Sexual Priestess

The Virgin and the Whore (Are One…)

When Sexual Women Ruled the World

In the Name of Sacredly Sexual Priestesses


Becoming the Sexual Priestess Mini-Course

Magdalen’s Fire: The Sacred Sexuality Oracle Course  (With specific information on accessing your inner Sexual Priestess as well!)

The Energy Orgasm Course

Legends of the Nymphs: Living with Orgasmic Energy

Related Videos:

What is a Sacredly Sexual Priestess?

What is Sacred Sexuality?

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